We Don't Need A Cap!

in #hive-15385028 days ago

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Hah… put a cap on riches keh. Please ooo, me that is yet to become a gazillionaire, such a policy can’t be made just yet. I know just how crazy it can be when the government decides to tell you not just how to spend your money, but also how much you can make as an individual. It will be insane, especially when you consider the fact that there is so much more money to be gotten, and all that is keeping you is a policy.

It could be for the greater good. It could be that it’s all happening so that the excess money is spread out among the rest of the world, given to those who really need it, and used to build infrastructure and foster development. It could just be the perfect thing we need. But then, will it be fair?


I don’t think any country in the world does this because that will really be a threat to their economy. However, in my opinion, some countries have done some things close to it to ensure that their domestic economy thrives. Take China for instance, while there’s no cap to how wealthy you can be in China, there is a cap to how you can spend all that money.

The government discourages people from owning properties overseas, and instead, invest in domestic properties and assets. That way, they control the amount of money that flows out of the country and keep it to the minimum. Then, everything else flows within the country, which is where the government will have total control over it.


It’s a smart move because it encourages domestic investments and also helps the people of China. This is not the government putting a cap on how rich a Chinese can get, but it does put a cap on how he spends all that money. Maybe this is something that the rest of the world should employ. Buying assets at home should always be a better option than buying abroad. Sending so much money outside the country will never favor any country, the more money that flows in, the better the standard of people living there.

So, back to the main topic, I think I’ve already made my point on this matter known. We already know that people are not born equal, trying to force everyone to be equal would only lead to chaos. Besides, it will have adverse effects on the economy in more ways than you’d be willing to consider. You may be able to legally put a cap on how much people can make, but you can never put a cap on human nature to always hunger for more money.


For some people, this policy will discourage them and they won’t see the point of being ambitious because, in the end, they know that they’ll fall within a set bracket. So, they simply deliver the barest minimum. That won’t be fair, especially to those who work twice as hard but also get to make the same amount of money.

Others though, will not be deterred. They will either find a way to dance around the law or look for a loophole to exploit and make more money. Some will become criminals, hiding assets under fake names and all that.

So, what am I saying? Such a policy would be dead on arrival, the repercussions would be dire and it would only be a matter of time before they revert it. But then, the government can try what China is doing, maybe it could work for us and the people will be more motivated to invest in their domestic economy.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Maximum Earnings. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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I believe that limiting how much a person can earn or their maximum assets is a way of hurting their freedom of growth. This kind of pressure cannot exist because one person stands out from the rest, so it is necessary to find other ways of raising and applying resources in a fair and fair manner.

The problem is that politicians in our countries generally play against the very people who elected them.

Yeah... the politicians are the ones who will benefit from such rules because they'll have ways to manipulate things in their favor and make even more money than anyone else.

We need to reset the world political system. It's a dream, but there should be something to improve it for all of us. 😔

it is not only about the individuals but the business wont able to thrive for longer.....we can not put a cap and apply restriction on the selling item...

Yeah... that's also a valid reason. Something we need to think about as well.

Even when God was creating us, He didn't make us equal, so such things can never work because some people will take advantage of it. Since they don't have, they will just relax and be expecting from the government, while some work so hard.
Omo ko le work abeg I can't work day-in-day-out and someone would claim the money ko jo rara.

Hehe... It can't work indeed. It would definitely not be fair because some of us will definitely deserve more.

This policy is a no go area indeed because it will never work. The law of wants in economic says it all. “Humans wants are insatiable”. So where do we start?.

Indeed... humans will always want more. That's something we should never forget.

Sure @bruno-kema . All we need is just enough that can pay our bills 💵 and basic necessities.

Have a great weekend ❤️🙏

It won’t even make sense if we put a limit to how much people earn
It is possible for all of us to earn the same amount and some people will still be richer
Do you know why?
It’s because some people spend recklessly while some invest in other businesses
So if anyone is wealthy, they must have worked hard for it even though it is not all of them

Yeah... those who will be rich, will always be rich. Meanwhile, breaking out of being poor takes a whole lot. One has to be willing to go the extra mile.

I kept wondering and imagining this kind of policy while I haven't hit the zenith yet. Abeg I can't wait to lead a peaceful protest of "No to cap on earnings" lols.

Hehe... if it does happen, everyone will take to the streets!

That's why setting a limit on earnings is unrealistic and can only bring chaos. The china government has taken a smart step and it increases the possibility of the development of the country faster.

Yeah... it will only lead to chaos. We don't want that.

Your first paragraph is something else. I love it 💯
Your points are valid, too. China is a developed country, and that's why that policy is working for them. But my country, your country isn't developed but developing, and it'll take a longer time to effect that.

Yet again, there are people who would definitely relax at this policy – not doing anything.

Yeah... some people will see it as an excuse to do only the bare minimum. Because they know that regardless, they'll earn.