(Google translate from Czech)
To se mi jen povedlo minulý týden konečně „přistát“ u mikropivovaru ve vesnici Horní Dubenky na Vysočině.
I finally managed to "land" at a microbrewery in the village of Horní Dubenky in the Vysočina Mountains (Czech Republic) last week.
Po zazvonění u branky, mi otevřel majitel, sládek a výrobce v jedné osobě. Na dotaz, jestli má k prodeji pivo v lahvích, mě pozval do sklepa. Varnu jsem neviděl. Ta byla asi ještě hlouběji ve sklepě. Stál jsem zády k jednoduché, malé plnící lince. Mé oči se upíraly k lednici, kde byly uloženy láhve s pivem.
Majitel, zřejmě potěšen že má vedle sebe zájemce o koupi jeho výrobků, mi vysvětloval, na co se vlastně dívám. Svou přednášku ukončil dotazem, co si koupím.
Toho dne měl v lednici pět druhů piv, takže moje odpověď byla jednoduchá. Kupuji od každého druhu jednu láhev.
To zřejmě nečekal, protože se mu trochu roztřásly ruce, když do nich bral kalkulačku aby spočítal, kolik mě to bude stát. Po zaplacení mi s úklonou otevřel všechny dveře i branku, abych mohl svůj „náklad“ odnést k autu :-).
After ringing the doorbell, the owner, brewer and producer in one person, opened the door. When I asked if he had bottled beer for sale, he invited me into the cellar. I didn't see the brewhouse. It was probably even deeper in the cellar. I stood with my back to the simple, small filling line. My eyes were fixed on the refrigerator, where the beer bottles were stored.
The owner, apparently pleased to have someone interested in buying his products next to him, explained to me what I was actually looking at. He ended his lecture by asking what I was going to buy.
He had five types of beer in the fridge that day, so my answer was simple. I buy one bottle of each type.
He probably didn't expect that, because his hands were shaking a little when he took the calculator in them to calculate how much it would cost me. After paying, he opened all the doors and the gate for me with a bow so that I could take my "cargo" to the car :-).
Styl – plzeňský
abv – 4,8 %
Style – Pilsner
abv – 4.8%
Styl – ALE
abv – 5,1 %
Style – ALE
abv – 5.1%
abv – 4,8 %
abv – 4.8%
Finally, I would like to invite @biologistbrito, who is the "main soul" of the AmazinkNature(AN) community, to participate in the #BeerSaturday challenge from @detlev. Beer is actually a "piece of nature", so it should fall under his field :-).
Write an article about "your" beer, attach 3 photos and use the tag #beersaturday. It is not a requirement that the article be written and published on a Saturday. To be sure, check the rules on #beersaturday.