My worst traveling experience

in #hive-15385018 hours ago

I love traveling but I don't travel, the reason is because of the lack of security in my country, these kidnappers are not joking at all, they are the most dedicated workers right now, you can be kidnapped from entering any commercial bus if you lose guard and even if you are smart, you will cooperate when you are faced with Bazooka and Ak47, like I said they are dedicated and some are heavily armed especially when traveling to the east and north part of the country.


Traveling long distances is not the only issue because we also have kidnappers in the city, there is what we call one chance, you can get robbed in broad daylight if you are unlucky and enter such a vehicle, a friend of mine got robbed of her phone and money this year through one chance so the country is messed up.

This is why I don't like traveling and I have only been to 3 states out of the 36 states in my country, Lagos state where I was born and live, Oyo state where I visited my cousin and Ogun state which is the one I want to narrate the traveling experience.

My worst traveling Experience

It happened in the year 2014 when I and my brother wanted to write GCE, my uncle was a principal in a government school so he was the one my mum contacted to help us register and also help us during the exam.

Well, we landed in Abeokuta a few days before the examination but the place we were to stay was nothing to write home about, it was a village in a city with so many disadvantages, the houses were old and there was burial ground in front of 90 percent of the buildings which scares me cos the place was looking like a burial ground, the owners of the house were being buried in front of their house so in each house, you could even see 2 or more burial ground, this is why I don't like the fact that corpse is being buried, we could adapt the ways of the Indians and start burying our dead so the whole country won't later become a burial ground.


The second problem in this place was no good toilet!, at first I promised myself not to poo until I get back home and I tried my best to hold it in for good two days, I later give up when I could not bear it anymore and manage to do it the way others are doing it lol.

Their electricity was 1 day off and 1 day on and even for the 1 day on, it only lasted for like 6 hours, the worst of it all is the lack of water, the only tap water provided by the government there only runs once a week! so most time we would carry kegs and go to search for water in far places, there was a day that we had to fetch the water coming from a burst pipe in the gutter so we could bath to the exam hall...

Life was hell there and didn't enjoy my stay in that house at all but then there is always something good to write about cos in the exam hall, I was crushing on a fine girl which kinda makes my days in hell memorable but that didn't go as expected too cos she was two years older than me lol.

After we finished our exams and traveled home, I fell sick and yeah it was so serious that I took drips and injections before I got better, all thanks to the bad water and stress I went through in that state... It is still my worst travel experience.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


One of the reasons I dislike travelling is the lack of security issue and the other one is how I get sick after travelling for hours on the road. I feel nauseous after the trip. Travelling can be both good and bad.

that security is first cos who want to pay ransom in this hard economy, and some kidnappers are mean, even after ransom they will still kpai the victim, may God protect us

Yes, you are right. May God continue to protect us away from them.

Are you serious? Like tap water provided by government works once a week? Like what is the point, the tap basically has no use.

Atleast be grateful you have electricity one day on and one day off, I have stayed in a place that electricity has not been for more than 10 years, the children there don't even know what we call NEPA.

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Oh my God, that must be your nightmare. I still think about how bad the city with kidnappers everywhere. Wish you always safe.


The kidnapping case get worse everyday with the bad economy, may God not let us become a victim

The opening to this your article is very hilarious.
What's a dedicated kidnapper??😂
I get what you mean, however.
Traveling is a big risk these days.

that is the situation of the country now😀. traveling is a big risk and I am not willing to take that risk

🤣🤣🤣 Sorry I have to laugh at the intro.

They are the most dedicated workers, meaning the rate of kidnap is on the high side over there.

lol very dedicated people, they are one of those praying that their victims and victims family should be rich

That's true actually though.

OMG, it's not joke thought dedicated kidnapping sounds funny😅 as if it is also a career option.
Stay safe buddy. Traveling is not easy these days.

lol, thanks man

This is a bad experience indeed, I noticed one thing about SW they do not like to bury the deceased in the cemetery they prefer to bury them at home which can frighten strangers while visiting the state, also I understand the toilet issue, I had a similar experience when I traveled to Ibadan, six people were sharing a toilet, omor it was a disaster that year.

it is even worse for you ladies cos it is not hygienic and you can easily get infected... some people see cremating a corpse as an abomination, maybe if the government intervene, people will adapt the method

My bother, traveling these days is like preparing for war. I understand the plight of those of us who ply the road always.

lol, you are right man, this is why i prefer staying at home, no traveling!

I really think burying people in front of their houses isn't a good one at all, and the worst part is how they make the grave so big and scary. There's a place in Bayelsa where I'm sure you won't be able to walk peacefully at night without getting scared. On people's graves, they're statues and stuff and red threads and so many scary things.

I'm sure that experience must've been hard to get over.

just imagine, I also went to one community where i wanted to buy land but there were no many burial grounds there it changed my mind even though the land was cheap, I just could not find myself owning a property in a cemetery, cos that is how it looks

You can imagine, I just hope people start burying the dead in the cemetery

If travelling is so risky,then think very few take the chance to travel. Life safety is more important than entertainment.

I hate to go to places like that where you can’t even get somewhere to charge even if the place you visited may not have light
Well, there are times we just have to go through such…