The best way to learn is by experience, once upon a time I wondered why people did not like to show others their source of income but as life went on and time ticked, I finally saw the reason why they chose to be that way cos when you invite some people to come and dine with you, they will remove your hand from the food to have it all for themselves.
There are some life lessons you will not understand when explained to you until you experience it yourself, that is when everything starts making sense and you stop blaming others who act the way they do.
During a group chat today, a girl asked why people would recommend buying something and still put not a financial advice under it. My response was that, we are no longer in the era when you are asked to buy something and you profit from it, you will spend the profit alone but if things go south and you lose money, you will be at the throat of the person who introduced it to you...
A few years ago, during the time of MMM a Ponzi scheme, I introduced some of my friends and colleagues at work to it, most of them cashed out but did not give me anything from their profit, all I got was thank you but before the crash of this Ponzi, There was a colleague at work who I have been telling to join but wasted time, it was when others started giving testimony that she decided to give it a try and unfortunately before she could withdraw her money, the Ponzi crashed.
Then she started disturbing me and lamenting that I was the one who forced her to do that she was never interested in it and I have to refund the money she lost, it sounded like a joke to me at first but she kept on pestering me until I gave her the exact amount she invested on it which was 18 000 Naira.
I was pained because assuming it was successful, like the rest she wouldn't give me a dime from the profit but now that it resulted in a loss, she wanted her money back, what happened that day taught me a great lesson never to persuade anyone to do something that will benefit them... Since then If I have an offer I will talk more about the disadvantages and let you know the risk involved and how I won't be liable to refund you if you end up losing your money.
This way I have been able to discourage many people like her from doing things that could have benefited them because they only want the gains, they do not want to share in the loss and there is nothing in this life that doesn't have its risk...
This is why you must always add the NFA tag to every investment you share with others to avoid anyone blaming you for their loss!
Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart