Hello everyone in the foodies bee hive community how are you are you all doing?i hope the weather is pleasant where ever you may be. This morning i made fried egg and ate it wth bread this is actually my first time of trying to make it please if you have any other methods you can please explain more about it to me.
Ingredients used
Dried pepper
Pumpkin leaf
First i washed the egg. Most times i fair not to hurt other people so i had to wash the egg well when i practice this often it will become part of me when i cook for others.
Second is to break the egg. To be precise i used a knife to break the shell be very careful so the shell doesn't fall into the broken part.
Next i added some ingredients such as maggi,salt and dried ppepper you can add all this ingredients based on the number of eggs i only fried 1 egg because i was the only one to eat it
Next i added pumpkin leaf it makes the egg look more attractive and appetising.
Next is to put this pot of fire.
Add a little amount of oil as pour the egg
Leave for some minutes and its done
I got my bread and put the egg in between