It so happens that, for some reasons that I still want to explain, I took more than 25 years away from my intellectual life, and although I have always continued to read classics of literature, there is a gap that I need to fill with more reading of specific influential authors that I lack to be able to speak on such thorny and profound topics.
In the meantime, what I can and believe I should do is recapitulate the events of my own life, A kind of biography starting from the first memories that awoke in my consciousness the astonishment at existence and a tendency to search for an understanding of reality.
Returning to the scene, evoking and contemplating in our memory the moments when some perceptive mark was imprinted on our consciousness and remained there is an exercise everyone should try to do.
Relive this process and, if possible, carry out a kind of cleansing, removing the veil of prejudices installed there to get to know yourself and reach a higher level of freedom of thought.
Photo: Boat, sea and sky, at Canto da Lagoa (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina / Brazil), taken with an iPhone 5s by Peter Canellov.
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