Getting past 400 fans with the help of a fellow busker. Rockin and battling on this final day of Splinterlands Season.

in #risingstar3 years ago


I am up to 12 cards in my rising star collection, afrer being gifted 3 cards by @dubble. Thanks man, it was a boost to my fans, and with the luck from the Oboe i just received, i think im set to start making quicker progress on challenges.

Still learning about the game, enjoying setting up a few challenges everyday. Yo, @dubble, does having the 12 cards now count for my stats? Even if i only have a couple cards selected? I mean, does simply having more cards (12 instead of just 3), boost my stats, even if im not able to use all the cards yet? I havent done the band audition missions yet, have to build up more before i can. Long question, sorry, but if you have an easy answer, cool. I appreciate your gift, ill be sure to help curate your content.


Otherwise, we are on the last day of the Splinterlands season. Plenty of action with card pack sales, airdrops, and the low prices in SPS. Im feeling the pain, but im keeping the ship sailing along with the rest of you animals.

I have not gotten many new cards lately, since i have only grabbed a pack here and there.

I have sold some random cards since you get a good amount of DEC. Maybe DEC can once again get close to being worth $0.01.

Lets see SPS though.


Price has just gotten beaten down, but is holding $0.12 cents for a little while now. Its possible we have seen or bottom of roughly $0.10 cents. Sideways would be nice. I am ok with just sitting and staking. I have been waiting for some bear action in the markets, and i had planned on just sitting through it when it happens. Always can get worse, but long term im ok just sitting for a few years. I have faith that Splinterlands will maintain attention. Low prices means more people can get in on low prices. By time things marinade for a while, months or couple years later, we can some bull Jesus action.


Gold II is where the Duck resides at the moment.

Looking forward to supporting all the madlads that create content. The good folks that have become my hive family.

Let us rock and be well. Cheers to your season loot.



Great job! Good luck with your reward chests!
Am on track to end this season in Gold for the first time! :)

Thats good man, gold is a good spot. Ill catch up on posts later, i might do an update on my season rewards, i hope yours was good.


Unfortunately I don't think the rewards were good. No gold foils, no legendary, no epics and no packs at all for 22 chests. Mostly a bunch of rare and common cards. Maybe the law of averages will tilt in my favour soon. Hehe!

Never tell a pun to a kleptomaniac
They're always taking things literally.

Credit: lofone
@relf87, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @captainquack22
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
captainquack22 tipped jbtc19warrior (x1)
@risingstargame(1/10) tipped @captainquack22 (x1)
captainquack22 tipped steem82868 (x1)
steem82868 tipped captainquack22 (x1)
brianhuang tipped captainquack22 (x1)
captainquack22 tipped dubble (x1)
jbtc19warrior tipped captainquack22 (x1)
dubble tipped captainquack22 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Why do math teacher have so many babies?
Because they know how to multiply.

Credit: theabsolute
@captainquack22, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @brianhuang
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)

Oh, you are literally a #Risingstar 🤩🌟🤟 By the way, I like your #HIVEPUNK Cool! 👏
🥦 !LUV 🥦

@mizuosemla(4/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Slp of #axie also keep on deeping! Let see our #dec token will surpass the price of slp.

Cheers to this next year and finding some good tokens to sit on. I havent at all, played axie, not sure if i will. Just focusing here on hive for now. Keep rockin.


This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

Increased ego reduces the maximum number of Starbits you can earn on missions. Balance your Fans to Skill ratio by taking some music lessons.
Have a !PIZZA

Thanks my brotha, its been a challenge to try and lower, naythan said the same thing lol.

Keep beastin n rockin buddy. Pizza seems like its been acting up for me, but lemme try.


Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions?
I do.

Credit: marshmellowman
@captainquack22, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @steem82868
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)

@steem82868(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

I have faith that Splinterlands will maintain attention. Low prices means more people can get in on low prices.

Hopefully you are right. I have seen a few people ready to sell their complete card collection. Nowadays I am thinking about the same more and more often. I really do not want to give up playing this game after playing it since 2018.12.30.

I hear you man, i saw your post about a crappy loot. Its a tough call. I remember someone a while ago saying that the time and effort can be better spent on making good posts on hive, instead of grinding battles.

If there is some enjoyment from the game, thats good. If not, can always take a healthy break. Selling is always a choice too, if you think you would be better off placing that value somewhere else.

I have kind of dug myself in !LOL

I may be right or wrong. Been more wrong generally, will see how fate treats me in this case. Going to catch up on your posts now.

My doctor said he could help me stop dreaming of cows playing football
I asked him to wait till after finals.

Credit: adedayoolumide
@xplosive, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @captainquack22
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

Yay! 🤗
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That's great to hear, the initial grind feels like it takes weeks but once you get over that first hurdle it does speed up quite quickly!

Cards do stack so all 12 should be in effect, it doesn't matter which you've chosen for your band or instruments I believe that's just for visuals/cosmetics, the instruments go towards "music lessons" which is basically used to combat your "ego", less ego means more Starbits 😃 that's the "Total Skill" number,

The more instruments of each specific kind you have the more Total Skill points you can earn via the music lessons, for example I run the Drum Lesson the most as I can receive 24-59 Skill points per, whereas the next best I have is around 39 max for Guitar Lessons.

Although the cards weren't the best I do hope they help you 😄 If you do ever need any help going forward or questions don't hesitate to ask, happy to help anyway I can. Take it easy my friend and have a good evening!


My doctor said he could help me stop dreaming of cows playing football
I asked him to wait till after finals.

Credit: adedayoolumide
@captainquack22, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @dubble
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

@dubble(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Man, that definitely helped a lot, a good boost. Im sure theres lot of nice update posts on everyones season reward, so ill catch up later, and visit your post. Makes more sense now too, good info.

Thanks again, grind n rock. Its 2022, we gotta kick ass.



@captainquack22(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><