Hello friends, welcome to my Hive Gaming blog. Today, I will share my Golem overlord activity and stats.
Now, my rank is 572th, and 957k rating. My game progress is getting better and better with each passing day. As I planned, I am doing much better. My focus is to upgrade my power and faith as much as I can. Also, I will try to increase my Golem charging Station level too as it increases our SHARD scavenge rate.
Finally, I upgraded my Prestige Level to 17. Now, my claim multiplier percentage and nft rarity percentage have been increased Now, I am trying to upgrade my Prestige as fast as I can.
Today I completed my all daily quests. And am going to claim this reward. The quest was not that difficult, so I easily completed all the quests.
I got good rewards from the quest. I am happy that I got one Fortification Potion of Invaluable rarity. Also got 2 Nano tonics with exceptional rarity.
Yesterday night, I forgot to claim PART in the game. So today this morning, I used some potions and all my energies in the battle and claimed a nice reward.
So, I claimed a total of 5108 PART tokens and 168 SHARD tokens. This was my highest claim as of now. I never claimed that many PART tokens before.
Please stay connected with me. Have a great day.
Keep playing and have fun. Thank you...
If you want to join Golem Overlord, you can join with my referral link.
My Referral Link: https://golemoverlord.com/?ref=catharsis
- Screenshots are taken from Golem Overlord Game.
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