Last week I headed over to a spot that I discovered a couple of springs ago, while wandering around my local area. It's an absolute gem of a place, barely anyone knows it's here. I call it 'The Secret Nook' - because it's such a beautiful little corner, and when captured in the right light and atmospheric conditions, it looks magical.
Secret Nook 5
One has to commit to this location for the duration of sunrise, as the light and mist change so much and it's hard to predict when the best light has been / will be. For example on this morning, the best light was definitely before the sun rose. Once the sun's rays filtered through the trees, the mist just vanished, and the scene immediately looked harsh and contrasty. I've been here on other occasions, where the sun has lit up the mist, and it's looked absolutely epic with misty light rays. Now that I've photographed this place a number of times, I've decided that I prefer to smooth the water out with a long exposure of about 20 - 30 seconds. It simplifies the scene, and I think it gives the photograph an ethereal look.
Wandering back in the direction of home, I spotted this scene through a fence. I poked my telephoto lens through the gap and grabbed this shot. I know I keep blabbing on about how much I love this lens, but I really do.... :)
This week I also met some deer, breakfasting in very delicate morning light.
This young stag might be the prettiest stag in the whole of London Town.
I mean, look at those LONG EYE LASHES!
He is so beautiful, that even while chewing grass with his mouth open, he looks wonderfully photogenic.
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