Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom named Kome. Kome was a lost kingdom that was once prosperous but held a secret that only a select few knew about; a hidden treasure of unimaginable wealth and gold. This treasure had been protected for generations by all costs and unbeknownst to all, kept hidden beneath the castle.
The perennial villains have attempted to loot away these treasures but to no avail yet they returned time and again to eliminate the remnants of the gatekeepers and steal those treasures amid this dilemma, the land mysteriously hides the marked territory of where the treasures lay.
After so many attempts to unravel the location of the treasures, the villains left for good and abandoned the land. After a few years of following the abandoned land, it returned to its agricultural state. The rise of the alien civilization began when no humans were left to bring livelihood to the kingdom and at every ungodly hour there was a usual loud thud beneath the king’s throne.
Unknowing to the subjects of the kingdom, the king has entrusted his wealth to the hands of these bizarre creatures which were the last of their kind, and gave them a world beneath his kingdom because it was through their existence that the treasures multiplied and had a mystery attached to it but they were only going to surface when no one would tell the tales of his kingdom.
Aithan, the first and the last male of his species emerges alongside his wives, Amalya and Chloe. The first task they had was to crown themselves rulers of the kingdom and officially they had a title bestowed on their name. His two equally capable and beloved queens are Queen Amalya and Queen Chloe.
Each queen had their strengths and virtues that would enrich the kingdom abundantly. Amalya was known for her strategic mind and her ability to make the kingdom flourish again, she is endowed with the gift of being industrious and inspirational. Chloe was known for her compassion and her commitment to the welfare of the subjects and she is also blessed with the gift of life “Zoë”; the ability to reproduce.
The king invited his queens into the palace and he explained the situation of the kingdom at hand and told them it would be best to share the treasures amongst themselves to utilize them for the kingdom's purposes and to bring back livelihood to the kingdom.
After much consideration and discussions from the queens, they approached the king and he was pleased with what his ears had heard. King Aithan had already taken his share while both queens proposed a unique division. Queen Amalya took the first half of the treasure which she pledged to use for the betterment of the kingdom. She masterminds the buildings and construction of infrastructural facilities such as schools, inns, hospitals, and so forth.
Queen Chloe would take the other half and invest wisely to ensure the kingdom’s continued prosperity, increase in population and their welfare, clothing, cultivating and harvesting of farmlands, and production of raw materials.
And with all these collective efforts, the once-lost land was recognized and it flourished again. King Aithan and his Queens were the first alien rulers to have become officially Royalty.
Photos From @Dreemport, used with permission.