Wow, I'm so happy today to be able to start another blog post here, hello fellow #huntershadow and #reflection community members, this is a special post from me today and of course I'm happy to be able to continue to contribute to this reflection contest. thanks to the lovely host @olgavita for organizing the reflection contest and I'm also very, very grateful to those who founded this community, and @annephilbrick who created this contest. Thank you very much to @sekkorama for faithfully managing the @hive-179017 account with great care and working hard for the community. and of course I am also very, very grateful to @ecency for the support and prize contributions in every weekly contest round. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and this beloved community @hive-179017.
Today I'm going to contribute again to the contest, and here is my 104th round entry:
The following is a reflection image which in my opinion is very beautiful, yes this is a reflection from the tiled floor reflecting bottles or gallons of water, when I see the reflection it makes me rush to take pictures and capture them with my smartphone camera, the resulting images in my opinion are very beautiful for I entered this week's contest entry.
Yep, friends, that's all for today's blog post, friends, I hope you like it and thank you for visiting my blog post. see you in the next post with another beautiful reflection picture.