Hello all lovely friends on Hive Blog & Liketu
When I was a child I always remembered my parents' teachings that, if we eat a lot of fish it will make us wise man and healthy. With the desire to be a smart person, I tend to eat fish oftenššš. And today, there is a menu made from fish again. That is, steamed fish with herbs. Let me tell you that, it's very healthy because in this menu there are all herbal ingredients such as: lemongrass, chili, garlic, shallots, kaffir lime leaves, small tomato, spring onions, lemons and other side dishes are all beneficial to the body. So it's suitable for people who want to lose weight and it's a very good menu for health. That's all for todayšš
Finally, thank you all for reading my post, if I wrote something wrong, I apologize because I understand a little English and I hope you all enjoy my post bye bye.
Thank you very much for like my post and support me @ chanmaly
Thai Language
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Thank you very much for like my post and support me @ chanmaly
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