Battling with Mycelic Infantry - A Tank-ish Earth Monster

in #hive-133232 years ago


Another Battle Week to Share Our Battles from Splinterlands TCG, There's Always a new Monster on the Block to play with, and this week is no exception - Check Out the Challenge Rules and Details from the Splinterlands Account, if you aren't already competing.

This Week I'm Excited to be Trying Out the Theme Monster in My Battle for Two Main Reasons -
(1) He's an Earth Monster and I Have a Lot of Earth Favourites that will be among the Battle Line-Up
(2) This is my very First Time using this Monster in Battle.

So Let's Get Started!

Share Your Battle - Mycelic Infantry.png

Mycelic Infantry - Tank or Just Bully

Pardon me for Calling Mycelic Infantry a Bully, BUT we'll see if he Truly Turns out to be One xD.

Mycelic Infantry is without a doubt, a very Powerful Earth Monster, He Comes with the Following Features - 8 Mana Cost, +3 Shield, +7 Health, +3 Melee Attack, and +1 Speed.


The Stats of Mycelic Infantry Tell me Immediately that he Should be in the Tank position since he's also an Earth Monster - Placing him in the tank position means that I'll be Forfieitng Some Monsters that are Favourites to me.

But Earth Elemental has become a Very Strong Team with a Flexible Attack Squad consisting of Magic, Range and Even Meele Attackers so, Mycelic Infantry has to be Supported Accordingly,

I Mentioned In my Introduction that I'm excited to use Mycelic Majorly Because this will be my first time Using it in a Ranked Battle - Well, this is true because I Generally don't Favour Low-Speed Monsters.

WHY? ⬇

Low-Speed Monsters will Attack Less Per Round and what's worse, They will attack Last. We all Know How Crucial the Attacking Order can be in Battle (Sometimes, Decide against victory and defeat).

Regardless of this point, I'm Confident in Using this Monster, Because it might be Low in the Speed Stat but Stands out as Very Impressive in All other Stats. For Instance, His High Health + Shield can Protect against the Most Brutal Attacks (such as a Double-hit Monster), AND He Might be Last to Attack But it's High Meele of +3 Will be Damaging to Even Top Health Monsters.

Special Ability

Mycelic Infantry comes with a Special Ability that is Popular Among Meele Tankers called Shield

Ability - Shield.png

Shield - Reduced Damage from Melee and Range Attacks.

With This Special Ability, I have a Greater Advantage Playing against a Melee Attacking team (Such as Fire, or Earth) and Reducing their Attacks while Dealing Damage with my Supporting Monsters.

Time to See a Special Battle with this Real Tank Master (Not Dummy

image (1).png

Mycelic Infantry Monster In Battle

Battle Details:

My Battle is against a Dragon + Death Elemental Team in a 25 Mana Cap Battle. The Battle was quite Intentive since my Opponent Lined up Many Opponent Monsters, I was trying to fit Our Theme Monster into the mix - taking advantage of the High Mana Cap in this Battle, so I Lined up just 4 Monsters in my Team. How did it turn out?

Battle Lineup:

Check out my Battle Lineup (Attaching my Favourite Earth Monsters to Mycelic Infantry consisting of Only Magic Attackers.)

Monster/Summoner CardsComments
I Selected Obsidian as a Summoner to Bump up the Magic Attack of ALL Monsters which were the Main Attack in my Lineup SquadObsidian.png
Mycelic_Infantry.pngMycelic Infantry takes the Tank Position and My Opponent had Some Melee Attackers whose Attack was Reduced to Zero by Mycelic's Shield Ability.
Regal Peryton Comes in Second Position because I've Learnt that from Previous Battles that - Mycelic Could be Eliminated early in the Game. Furthermore, I wanted to Protect Goblin Psychic Using Regal Peryton's Flying Ability.Regal_Preyton.png
Goblin_Psychic.pngGoblin's Psychic had an Easy Job - To Heal Mycelic in the First Position and Deal +3 Magic Attack of it's own. I Took Extra Measures to Protect Mycelic Infasntry here.
Khmer Princess takes the Rear Position, Lining up as a Supporting Monster - Although it Comes with Low Health, I didn't want to Sacrifice Goblin Psychic for it.Khmer_Princess.png

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Battle Walkthrough:

  • This Battle was Quite Packed, from the First Round Exactly - I was Quite Certain that it was a Lost Battle, But I'm Still Sharing it Here Because I Learnt Something from the Tactics Used and the Outcome. In other Words - My Team were Relentless, But were Overpowered in Base Numbers

  • Losing Khmer Princess in the First Round Before it even got the Chance to Deal a Strike was Devastating. This Blow came from Silent-Shavi (A Last Man Targeter in the Opponents Team).

  • By Round Two, I'd Lost Goblin Psychic Too but Not Before My Opponent's Tank Monster (Cursed Windeku) had received a lot of Combined Magic Damages from the Pair of Goblin Psychic and Regal Peryton.

  • The Strength in Both Health and Shield of Mycelic Infantry Aided me in Protecting the Frontline, Although due to His Low-Speed I wasn't Dealing Enough Hits as I hoped. Regardless, I Could See that Magic Attack was More Effective than Mycelic's Melee Attack.

  • And Now, This is Where My Team Stood their Ground for Way Longer than Expected - Because by Round 2, Just Two Monsters were Left in the Line-up (Goblin Psychic and Regal Peryton). Before Long, Cursed Windeku was Eliminated, Opening the Line to target Other Smaller Monsters.

  • Regal Peryton Stalled the Battle by Dodging more Hits than I thought was possible in such a short time, Mycelic excellent health also Took Damage from Other Monsters but Reduced Melee & Ranged Attackers to Zero.

  • The Battle Continued this way, Until the 7th Round(with Just Two Monsters) After a Few Crucial Hits Landed on regal Peryton - I knew the Battle was ALL but Lost, Still I was impressed at the Tenacity my Team Showed.

  • While through this Battle, I'd Eliminated Three Monsters from the Enemy Line-up But Life Leech who Had Increased his Health Stat Stooped me Short - I could as well have Pushed my Luck all the way!

Annnd, This Brings us to the Battle End.
Watch Battle Here:


Further Battle Comments

Even though this Was a Lost Battle, What I Learned from it Will be of Great Value to me, and Has Improved my Tactics Around the Monsters Used:

(1)I can Conclude that Lining up Regal Peryton in the Second Position is a Better Tactics - When I'm not Certain of the Strength of the Tank OR In Cases Where I Prefer to put up a Dummy Tank with Low-Health.

(2) I can also see rather clearly that Mycelic Infantry is more Helpful as a Defensive Rather than an Attacking Monster - It Would be Great if it's Mana Cost was on the Average Level too.

(3) Goblin Psychic will do Better in a Battle with 5 OR 6 Monsters in the Lineup. WHY? So that its Positioning will Extend his life from Opportunity Monster Targeting Past the Frontline.

Thanks for Reading my Shared Battle Post Today, I Hope you've Learned Some New Tactics Bcos I Just Did!

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Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

Hello @chel-koby Mycelik Infantry looks like a bully doesn't he.

I thought he looked like a candy cane just in time for Christmas LOL.

I love to look at these monster cards. The graphics are great.

I really like Regal Peryton. I love the deer head with wings!



Posted via Veews

Thank you for reading my post and Enjoying it this much 😃,
Mycelic Infantry Sure does look like a Bully, It's just crazy xD,
Splinterlands Monsters are Amazing TBH, You can write about them all day Long!
Regal Peryton is Also among my Top 5 Monsters currently - Some Monsters just fail to go unnoticed, LOL!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas Season,✨🎄

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