Climate change is real. But there are a lot of people you act like wildfires or hurricanes wouldn't be destructive or even exist or something if climate change didn't exist. (when I say climate change I mean "man made climate change" not just naturally occurring climate changes).
Benefit of the doubt these people are using "climate change" for SEO and attempting to gain views and followers, but a few people really do think Santa Ana winds or drought conditions in California wouldn't exists without climate change.
Just shouting "climate change" when you see there is a natural disaster is like shouting "smoking" when you see cancer. It's can make things worse but it exists with or without it. And horrifically.
Focus on the % of the causes that climate change is/could be making worse, while focusing on the causes themselves. Many, if not most people are. But many aren't and they come off as posers trying to get attention.
I'm not saying NEVER talk about the issue of climate change in a general way. Larger scale discussion often means not being able to focus on every variable in the equation. It's important. Speak up.
Don't be a crypto poser or rogan fan when it comes to climate change and science in general. Youtube videos, memes, social media posts, you chatting with your friends, etc aren't a real education on a subject.