Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.” - Stephen Chobsky
Sometimes shit happens and just as the saying goes 20 kids cant play together for 20 years. I forgot where I heard that but if im to recall it must be from a Netflix show.
Yes, I’ve been spending my time on Netflix these days. The streaming service seems to be winning the numbers game compared to tv or other means people have been using all around the universe.
Nothing special about the cable service anyways. It's just a little thought about how things have changed over the years. New replacing the old and the old becoming obsolete, but life doesn't stop. It keeps on going and Netflix is taking the lead and you can testify to that yourself because you just watched something interesting to you before you read this post. Or after.
When we lose old things like cable tv what happens is that time is moving in a new direction and each individual are the anchor to the chain of change that keeps taking effect in our daily lives.
Change is constant and just like the cable tv days are over so will the Netflix days be over it's just a matter of when and to remind us that nothing takes the lead forever but life always goes on forever.
Sometimes what and who we hold dear to us change. People change, friends change and even families change. Nothing can remain at the top of our pure hearts forever. No one can ever make your heart rock forever. Sometimes what we can only know for sure is that life will keep going no matter what has changed.
Live your life today and let the past or future be like old friends or old innovations that no longer work in the current world.
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