A 2-Day Commenting and Networking Event

in #hive-152524last year

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Hey Guys!

Happy Weekend!🤗

Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event! Are you ready to entertain and be entertained? Yes! Well, grab your warm cup, put your feet up, and join this conversation.😁

Cinnamon Cup Coffee, the social hub of the blockchain, strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a funny, thoughtful, thought-provoking, or whatever comment your coffee-induced brain produces in response to the question presented... AND! You could #WINHIVE & some #HBD.



You have to get rid of one type of coffee beverage forever. What drink do you pick, and what are the considerations behind the selection?

Add a photo of your favourite coffee cup or coffee item in your kitchen:)


☑️ Drop a comment on the question in the comments section with a photo.

☑️ Post comments within the Countdown timer, which ends on Monday at midnight UTC.

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Prizes & benefits of getting involved

😉 A mysterious selection from the comments will be made to distribute some Hive.

😎 This is an excellent opportunity to show different sides of your personality and connect with other authors and community members.

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✅ Leave your comment on this post.

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It's hard to say which coffee drink I would get rid of, hehe. Since I don't remember ever having tasted one that was unpleasant enough. But if I had to get rid of one, it would be the flavored coffee. I don't really see much point in them. Last year, my son insisted on bringing a vanilla-flavored coffee from Colombia. And although it can be drunk with milk, drinking it solo is meah. In my opinion, it is a bit unpleasant. If you want a coffee with a touch of vanilla, adding a touch of vanilla essence to your latte instead of using flavored coffee, is much better.

And well, as last week I showed my favorite mugs. This time it's the turn of my Moka pot.
I love my coffee made in the Moka pot. ☕️


I wholeheartedly agree! Natural flavor will always be superior to manufactured imitations. Your Moka pot is ADORABLE! Being in this community will end up causing me to buy one of those eventually I think— it seems to be a fav of so many! ☕️

We have had other fancy coffee makers at home but I still prefer brewed coffee in a moka pot. I don't make it too strong and I like it a lot.

The Moka pot is not the easiest to clean, but the coffee is strong and it's super quick. I am yet to decide whether I prefer the taste from the French press or the Moka pot. I need to replace my Moka pot, but I want one that's made from good material. That reminds me, I plan to pick up some ground coffee and give Nespresso a break.

My best friend is from the Réunion Islands where they grow vanilla. She always takes back vanilla-flavoured coffee that's massively expensive. I prefer to have it for treats every now and then, but I could do without flavoured coffee too. I think it was important to have a flavoured coffee at the beginning of my coffee affair, but not anymore. I love it black and strong 😋

I think that flavored coffee is for those who are new to coffee and are not used to its flavor, after you become a coffee lover, it makes no sense.

The Colombian coffee that I am referring to, flavored with vanilla, is also much more expensive than the original without any aroma, which is much better.

Have a nice week, Milly 😄☕️

It's funny. Vanilla flavored coffee came to my mind right away as I read the questions. I can drink it with some coconut milk, and I can actually enjoy it, but it's not real coffee, not for me.

Love your moka pot. I'm truly fond of mine 😌❤️

I can get it with milk of any kind, even if it's not my favorite. But take it black it's a little unpleasant, to be honest, hehe.

Same here. It makes me nauseous 😷🤣

Yeah, the Moka pot is unique 😎
I don't recall seeing a black one before 😍

I had one. I had started to collect moka pots like 20 years ago, but they were stolen. Long story. I had 6 moka pots, and one was black. Cute. And it's the smartest thing, as the colored ones will end up turning black anyway 😅

As the colored ones will end up turning black anyway.

That's an excellent point to consider for my next purchase.
Moka pots do look like collectible items:)))

Totally. I want to start collecting them again 😄

@cirangela, @coquicoin, @mdosev, @marlyncabrera, @aurodivys, & @honeydue I have transferred a little Hive for your involvement and thoughtful comments for this last initiative.
Sorry for the delay in doing so. I was travelling and did not have the safest internet connection so avoided processing all transactions.

I do hope to see you all for the next topic on Saturday, as we try to grow this initiative in terms of involvement and also prizes 🙏 😍

I’ll be around for sure!
Thanks and wish you all the best!

Thanks for your support, always and see you around:)))

You're too kind, @millycf1976 😌☕ It was fun. There's so much to learn and like here. Much Appreciated ❤️

You're very welcome, and thanks for your lovely comment.
See you again soon:)))

Thank you, love! <3 I appreciate it. I'm not sure about this weekend, as I'll be on the road, but will try to stop by as I can. It really is a lovely initiative.

Thanks for your lovely feedback.
I understand too well about being on the road.
I came home late last night knackered, and I'm trying to catch up.
Enjoy your weekend and time away:)))

Thanks, I will! It'll involve spending time in a lovely nature park, with lots of green around. Just what I've been craving.
Hope your trip went well! <3

Oh, wow! A nature park sounds awesome. Enjoy it. I think it will do you wonders🤗

Thank you very much Milly! It’s a pleasure to get involved in this initiative. See you all next weekend 😊☕️

Thank you so much for your support Coquicoin 😍

Wow... gracias ☕❤️ espero seguir compartiendo experiencias 😊 sobre el café ☕

I don't like flavored coffees in general, although I tolerate vanilla coffees, for me a black coffee without sugar is better.

I miss my moka coffee maker, I left it at home in Venezuela. I had two of these: a big one and a small one for two cups, it was ideal to make the afternoon coffee for me and my husband.

Here in Bogota, I have not bought yet, I am thinking whether to buy one of these or an electric coffee maker. Should I buy both? Can you help me to make a decision?

If it's a drip electric machine, then a Moka pot would be a great addition. However, if it was an electric espresso machine, then you wouldn't necessarily need a Moka pot. The Moka pot is convenient if you live in a country where there is frequent powercuts with no electricity.

Ah, so you are originally from Venezuela?

The getting rid part is ambiguous to me. Am I eliminating it from my life only, or from the world in general, evil overlord style? As @mdosev pointed out, probably the frappe, or any cutesy sounding iced coffee that's generally very little coffee, and a whole lot of milk/sweetener/cream/etc.. They're giving coffee a bad name in my opinion xD

Pic of favorite coffee apparel to follow, once I get one brewing in a bit. :D

or any cutesy-sounding iced coffee

You are absolutely right! I think that it should be illegal to sell some of those drinks as coffee drinks.

I await your photo 😁

Belatedly, my moka pot. Traveled half the continent with me, and became burned and scorched and held too close to flimsy handkerchiefs once too often. Hands down my favorite brewing method. :)

What's yours, @millycf1976 ?

Your moka pot is just lovely, "strange and unusual." I can see another one behind it. I wonder if there's a third moka pot somewhere in your kitchen! I have four moka pots so far; I used to have more, but they were stolen like 20 years ago. I think you could have a most interesting collection 😁

I do have another one, yes, but that one's really old, and unfortunately the top got bent and now won't screw back onto the lower piece. And another larger one, but I moved that to a working space in the hope it'd lure me out there more often xD

Oh no, I feel for that loss. Though you have to at least respect the robber's taste - coffee apparel ain't nothing to sneeze at ;)

Oh, wow! that's a gorgeous Moka pot.

My choice would be to eliminate ALL Instant Decaf coffee beverages and 3-in-1 coffee. I HATE the taste of those (that's common in the Philippines).

I have not been so involved this week because I'm on a domestic travel obligation and I'm working from my hotel room. However, I hope more people will be involved next week, and I quite enjoy it when I can give this my full attention. I'll be back home on Thursday though 😁

Thank you! And I'm 100% with you - I hate instant coffee and 3-in-1s (only in travel emergencies, honestly). Supposedly, it's quicker, though given how many ways there are to brew a cup of coffee quick and while you do other things nowadays, I don't see the appeal.

Enjoy your trip! Honestly, you seem super engaged and involved in the networking thing, so hats off if that's you taking it slow. I hope your trip is going great and is full of pleasant sights! :)


I have tried different coffee drinks ☕ I love them all hot and cold with milk or without 😋.
If I were sure which one to get rid of it would be coffee with eucalyptus 😐 I tried it once and didn't like the combination at all 🥺

My go-to coffee maker in the kitchen without a doubt is my espresso maker 😅 I love it and miss it ☕ having my morning coffee in a fast, concentrated and hot way is priceless and that's why this coffee maker is the ideal 😁.


Coffee with eucalyptus

👀I am already nauseous. I've never heard of such, but it sounds like cruelty and the perfect thing to torture someone with.
Good Lord!
I'll help you to lead that crusade 🤣

😐 the experience was horrible in taste ☕ 😝 I felt a pain straight to the heart ❤️ with coffee you can make many delicious combinations 😋 but that nothing normal...😝 I thought I was dying of poison 😁.

🤣 Oh, dear! I believe you and feel your pain. That sounds like an unforgettable experience indeed 🤗

Coffee with eucalyptus sounds like a bit of an odd combination. I tried a matcha tea blend with eucalyptus once and it was pretty good. But I think the eucalyptus doesn't go with the taste of coffee at all. So I support you getting rid of it, lol.

For me it is not the ideal combination 😁 it is total madness or crime 😝 of all the coffees that will never be in my kitchen 😁☕😐 my respects to coffee ☕❤️

Well, that combination will not fit either in my kitchen or in my coffee maker either, hehe.

Coffee and eucalyptus sounds like a crazy combo…
Basic (home) espresso equipment is a cheap investment nowadays and it is great that you like your machine a lot!

Yeah, I just don't see coffee and eucalyptus working at all. I never would have came up with that idea even if I was drunk 😫

Siiii! Totally agree not the best combination 🙂 and yes my espresso machine ☕ is the best way to drink coffee at home 😁.

Eucaliptus?! Ha ha ha ha. I feel intrigued. I've had coffee with lemon zest and brewed with orange peel, and both I consider delicious, but I don't think it would've ever occurred to me to add eucalyptus to coffee and I don't think I ever will 😷

Beautiful espresso maker, BTW 😌❤️ Lucky you!

It really was horrible ☕ what happens is that when someone invites you for a coffee, one must accept 😁 the sad thing was the type of coffee 😐.

😂 I'm usually optimistic about nice company despite the bad coffee.

Coffee with eucalyptus sounds like a crime against humanity! I will also join the fight against this- YUCK!

I hope your espresso machine got fixed!

Yes! A total crime 😐 in fact the taste 😝 not intolerable for me 😁 I hope no one ever invites me again a coffee with eucalyptus 😐 ☕.

HAHAHAHA, yeah— I certainly wouldn't invite you over for this type of coffee 🤣

Coffee with eucalyptus? I wouldn't even drink it as a remedy. Some combinations are so strange that just thinking about them makes you nauseous.

Vanilla flavored coffee! I hate it, ha ha ha ha. I agree with @coquicoin on this one, I can drink it with a little milk (homemade coconut or cashew milk) but I don't even like its smell when it's brewing. I'd get rid of it right away!

I still have a little left, as the only one who drinks it is one of my sister's. So I brew a little when she comes to visit. I add a stick of cinnamon in the bottom chamber of the moka pot--the one I only use for flavored coffees--to make the smell bearable for me. I love Sello rojo but I'd be happy if I don't have to see this one again!


As a favorite item, I'd like to show you my little coffee grinder. It's one of my most cherished treasures. It was a birthday gift from my eldest sister, four years ago.


I clean it with a paper towel every time I use it.


It's super useful and the size is perfect since I only grind 30-50 grams at a time ❤️😌

I hope you guys are having a nice Sunday! ☕🤎

That's the one! haha. And I think what I dislike most about that coffee is precisely its smell while it's brewing.

I like your grinder, it's cute 😍

That's so funny 🤣 Sello Rojo is really good in my humble opinion, but this one is infamous,ha ha ha ha.

My little coffee grinder says thank you ❤️

Yes, Sello Rojo is a very good coffee brand except for the vanilla-flavored one;)


I need to replace my grinder. I had a powerful one in the Philippines with many grind sizes, it went dead after a few years. So, I'll have to decide whether I want to get a manual or one that's simple and easy to care for like yours:)

Any sort of flavored ground coffee has always been a huge nope for me! I agree— the smell is awful, and the flavor just feels... off. 😅

Your coffee grinder is immaculately clean, that makes me smile! You can tell how well loved it is 😁

My husband and I used to try flavoured coffee from a Coffee Roastery with flavours that I didn't mind. I can't remember which ones exactly because that's like 15 years ago. However, we once tried a citrus coffee flavour and that put me off.😖

However, we once tried a citrus coffee flavour and that put me off.😖

Thinking of this made me feel queasy 🤣

These flavored coffees...I guess somebody loves them out there 😁 99% ofthe times I prefer my coffee black. No sugar. But trying new coffee beverages can be fun!

My little coffee grinder shines like new 😋 No one touches it.

I've never tried coffee with coconut or cashew milk. I'm not sure if I'd like that at all. Vanilla, I don't mind 😅. I prefer vanilla more that fruity coffee, like orange or strawberry... YUCK!

I add a stick of cinnamon in the bottom chamber of the Moka pot.

Now, that's sounds like a great idea 👍
That's a good grinder and cleaning with paper towel sounds like the best bet. You're full of brilliant ideas:)))

I wasn't sure about coconut milk in my coffee at first. However, when I finally got to try it, it was a wonderful surprise. Both my husband and I are mildly lactose intolerant, so I always have a little homemade vegetable milk in the fridge--for little experiments.

I made this latte with homemade cashew milk. Another pleasant surprise! I can't tell really, but you might like it if you give it a try.


My little grinder is well taken care of. It's been with for four years, working at least once everyday and it's like new :D

Wow! What a lovely photo 🙌
I will pick you on that, however, it would be the coconut milk from a can, as it would be difficult to get dried coconut where I'm living in the Uk.
Gosh, I really wanna taste that coffee with biscuits now 😋

The only coconut milk I've had from a can was in piña coladas 😌 Dried coconuts are to be found everywhere around here; we're lucky. Making the milk yourself takes a little work, though but tastes a lot better--if you know what you're doing 😁

When I lived in the Philippines, my neighbours taught me how to make coconut milk from scratch. It was fun to do, however, I would have to wait until when I go back to Jamaica where I have coconut trees in my backyard 😁

...coconut trees in my backyard...
You must have a nice place in Jamaica, perfect for a good cup of coffee, even if it's hot.


I also love Red Seal coffee, it's the one we use in our business. I drink it without sugar and for making coffee with milk it is very good. I really liked your grinder, it is still like new because, definitely, what is well cared for lasts for many years. I am about to buy a grinder, as soon as I get it home I will show it to you here.

Very good coffee indeed! I seldom have latte, but I agree, Sello Rojo makes delicious latte.

Looking forward to the photo of your brand new coffee grinder! 😁🖤

Do I have to choose between coffee beverages generally, or those that are in my consumption list? Well, if the case is coffee beverages in general, I would get rid of the frappe. Not only it is made with instant coffee, but also it has sugar and milk… gross!

If I have to choose between my brewing methods, then… I don’t know… I will have to choose between the AeroPress and V60 for being similar in the final result. I will most probably keep the AeroPress with me.

About my favorite brewing gear, it is the hand grinder! Not also it looks clean and cool, but it also brings excellent results!

Oh, no! 🤔 I wasn't expecting to hear frappuccino at all. 🙃😆

I hope I'll have the one that I've been craving for the longest time before they ever eradicate it.
@yelimarin shared a lovely glass of frappe recently. It's one of those I have in mind 😋

That is the beverage that has the least meaning for me and I would never buy myself one. Maybe when the end of the world comes and there’s nothing else coffee-based left, I would enjoy one 😁

Definitely a strong candidate here! While I love a good iced flat white, I find a lot of these frilly, excessively sweet iced coffee desserts drinks superfluous. :D

PS: That AeroPress is slick af.

I find a lot of these frilly, excessively sweet iced coffee desserts drinks superfluous

... and bloody pricey, too


I love everything with coffee, frappuccinos are a delight as a dessert to kill cravings from time to time. I make them at home and it is quite an event. On my blog, I have a video with the recipe.


Hehe! So does your Frappe actually taste coffee?

Yes, Milly, I make it with instant coffee and it is delicious.

That frapp looks yummy and tempting.
And now I'm craving one like this frappuccino that my son had when he was home a couple of months ago at a breakfast place we have nearby.


But health is first, so instead I'll stick to my morning black coffee for now;) Cheers! ☕️

Wow! That's decadent and tempting. I would have one of those once a year for a sugar fix. It's been ages since I last had anything like that. I do stick to just Black coffee daily.
That's a divine cup.😋

Black coffee for me, please, although I can order some frappé as dessert 🙈 For me, it doesn't count as coffee.

Your hand grinder looks like the Christmas gift I'd love to get this year ❤️😌

For me the coffee is black all the time! No sugar added, no creamer, no milk… nothing! If coffee is good enough it doesn’t need any “boosters” at all.

This grinder cost me about $50 and it is in the mid price range of manual grinders, yet offers amazing quality. I bought it from AliExpress with free delivery to Bulgaria. And looks amazing too!

I'm more flexible about coffee, I guess, partly because I'm not a connoisseur. I hope to try many more options before I say that there's nothing else for me that can be called coffee other than black coffee. But I tell you, so far black coffee is number one for me, indisputably. My spirit and stomach won't take anything else first hour in the morning!

And thank you for the info. I might buy a beautiful hand grinder like yours! It's affordable 😃

I like having a frappe as a dessert sometimes, basically coffee ice cream! It's value to me as caffeine rates pretty low however. I need coffee that I can drink by the bucket 🤣

The hand grinder is beautiful, what a sleek item! 🙌

Actually the caffeine content in the instant coffee is highest among the coffee beverages, but I really don’t know how much coffee do they usually put inside.

You are right that frappe can replace a dessert sometimes 😉

Frappuccinos are too sweet and always end up being more of sweet than coffee. But I don't know if I wanted to get rid of them, hehe. Occasionally I can have one not as coffee but as a dessert.

I love your coffee grinder, I love the simple design.

I've had some frappes that had very little sweet with rich strong coffee, but that was many moons ago at an Austrian lady's Coffee Shop in Jamaica:)
I still dream about them. Since then, I've only ever found ones that are too sweet or too icy =that give me a headache. Those, yeah, it should be illegal to sell them 😆