The use of artificial intelligence in this 2025 is going to be massive. There will be more. Use cases that will come out of using a I. There are still some sectors, I mean some niche is that. Add visual intelligence has no even coming to fully, but we’ll be seeing them being integrated fully in this year and that would be an edge or and head start to everyone who is doing crypto.
Another thing I’m going to say is that the. Essence of crypto is actually to decentralise this world. Then when you combine crypto with artificial intelligence and mean you are seeing another decentralised finance that does not have a boundary with this.
There is no limits to what you can actually achieve anymore, either through the work that you’re doing or inputing artificial intelligence into. Most of the works that people are doing then when you combine crypto into its cryptocurrency has already given people an edge. I mean, there is no limit to how much you can only your bank account now and you don’t need any bank to even help you at any point in time to do anything but now that.
So she finish becoming a global trade. It is very necessary for us to appreciate what crypto has brought forward to this world and the advantage that visual intelligence has added to it, because we can now do things faster and sharper thanks to artificial intelligence. If he is not here by now, we should have been living in the Stone Age of civilization. Oh, he’s civilization.
That is the Stone Age of the computer age. That is a little bit backward of the computer age, or digital age to be precise.