
in #hive-12778810 months ago

I close my eyes and I just feel the birds chirping, the refreshing breeze that beats the leaves of the trees, the tranquility that comes from lying in a hammock in the shade of a ceiba tree while it plays on my playlist Apnea by Ricardo Arjona.

I have never been a big fan of country life even though a large part of my maternal roots come from very humble peasants.However, from time to time I like to escape from the chaos of the city and enjoy a couple of hours of such intimate contact with nature.

On Saturday morning I was able to visit a small farm that my uncle owns. Since I arrived he was very excited because he recently started to implement a very nice project that he has prepared, just by listening to him talk and seeing him in the eyes you could appreciate the illusion that he transmitted. He gave me a tour of the whole place showing me the crops he has planted while he explained that he wants to donate a percentage of the first harvests to children's circles and grandparents' houses near the lugar.Me it was quite surprising to see the progress it has had since a couple of months ago all the hectares of land were covered by weeds and the grass reached up to a meter high. It is true that the work of the field is quite complicated but the effort is worth it.

I took the courage to capture this preview and share it with you.While I was immortalizing this moment with my lens, I stopped for a second to reflect on how human beings have been deteriorating all the beautiful resources that nature offers us, causing the destruction of millions of ecosystems.
Every day it becomes more necessary to raise awareness about environmental pollution, many people think that it is an unimportant issue but if we stopped to think about it for at least five minutes, we could listen as our planet cries out for a truce. That is why I urge you to look around and thank our planet for everything it gives us, and try with small actions to lessen its agony.

My native language is Spanish, I use the translator Yandex
All photos are my property

Versión En Español

Cierro los ojos y solo siento el trinar de las aves, la brisa refrescante que baten las hojas de los árboles, la tranquilidad que produce estar recostada en una hamaca a la sombra de una ceiba mientras se reproduce en mi playlist Apnea de Ricardo Arjona.

Nunca he sido muy fanática de la vida del campo a pesar de que gran parte de mis raíces maternas provienen de campesinos muy humildes.Sin embargo de vez en cuando me gusta escapar del caos de la ciudad y disfrutar de un par de horas de ese contacto tan íntimo con la naturaleza.

El sábado en la mañana pude visitar una pequeña finca de la cual mi tío es propietario.Desde que llegué él estaba muy emocionado ya que hace poco comenzó a poner en práctica un proyecto muy bonito que tiene preparado, con tan solo escucharlo hablar y verlo a los ojos se apreciaba la ilusión que transmitía. Me dió un recorrido por todo el lugar mostrándome los cultivos que tiene sembrados mientras que me explicaba que de las primeras cosechas quiere donar un porcentaje para los círculos infantiles y las casas de abuelos cercanos al lugar.Me sorprendió bastante ver el avance que ha tenido ya que hace un par de meses todas las hectáreas de tierra estaban cubiertas por malezas y la hierba alcanzaba hasta un metro de altura.Es verdad que el trabajo del campo es bastante complicado pero el esfuerzo vale la pena.

Me tomé el atrevimiento de capturar este avance y compartirlo con ustedes.Mientras inmortalizaba con mi lente este momento,me detuve un segundo a reflexionar acerca de cómo el ser humano ha ido deteriorando todos los recursos tan hermosos que nos brinda la naturaleza, ocasionando la destrucción de millones de ecosistemas.

Cada día se hace más necesario hacer conciencia acerca de la contaminación ambiental, muchos piensan que es un tema sin importancia pero si nos detuviéramos a pensar en ello al menos cinco minutos, podríamos escuchar como nuestro planeta nos pide a gritos una tregua. Por ello los exhorto a mirar a nuestro alrededor y agradecerle a nuestro planeta por todo lo que nos brinda, e intentar con pequeñas acciones disminuir su agonía.

Todas las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.


Que precioso 💖

Nature is the most beautiful part of the world but we have made it not to show anymore due to consistent and constant distractions just for our own personal gains. If would have not be so if we took very good care of it or placed measures in place to mitigate the effects and impacts on the ecosystem. Thanks for this awareness and love your images. Waiting on your next amazing article 😊

It is true, the human being had been the main cause of its destruction, thank you very much for the support and the nice comment


Las visitas al campo son muy buenas porque te desestrezan y te relajan lindo post.

Hermoso post. Gracias por compartir. El contacto con la naturaleza es de los placeres más exquisitos, sana, reconforta y da vida, el intenso verde es la esperanza más natural de todas😍

Visiting farm is a perfect escape especially for busy workers or students.

I love your picture while pose with beautiful skies 😊

Thank you for your comment, being in contact with nature conveys a feeling of absolute peace

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You not only come to the farm, but you take some very good pictures, especially the very cool views, and the mountains and green trees and blue sky are really very beautiful.

If it's true, the photos were amazing, thanks for your comment

Muy bonita tu publicación, gracias por compartir 😊

Gracias a ti por el apoyo 🫶