Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to start a photo series of the recent submarine we got to get on for an adventure!
Monochrome Monday: Submarine
One of the things that I have been waiting to do is go on a submarine that we have near us in Portsmouth New Hampshire! When we drove by it the other day and it was open, we jumped at the opportunity!
Submarines are one of the things that fascinate me, as scary as they are to think of having to live on one and have the constant threat of death surrounding you lol.
This one was actually the first modern look submarine built! It was a game changer and the submarines that are in existence today across the world, most of the major ones have this exact design where the nosecone is shaped the iconic way that it is.
The controls of this submarine were amazing! I have so many pictures of them and the funny part about it was that we even rushed! I wanted to spend more time in there lol but sadly couldn't because we had to go.
It's remarkable to think that this submarine was built in the 1950's! We have definitely come a long way but thinking of all of this stuff being built with technology from back then is amazing. The switches, connections, wires and everything is unbelievable to squish all into such a small space.
The thing that amazes me about it as well is that everything, every square inch, has a specific use and space. To think of the sheer designs of it are unbelievable.
I will have more pictures in the series coming! I wanted to get a few out while I look for next weeks bit.
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