Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about how frustrating it can be when people just simply don't do their due diligence.
No Due Diligence
It's not that difficult to ask in the world we live in, to do a little due diligence on things.
I've spoken several times about living in a condo, and how challenging it can be. There are many potential benefits about it, such as having a lot of really close neighbors, but there are a LOT of drawbacks about it. The main drawback we have is that the people who are "in charge" are a bunch of pieces of shit, not mincing words.
Without going into too many details or stories, these fuckers think they are the shit. They are also old ass fucks, all women at that, and are dinosaurs in terms of the way the world works these days. I'm not speaking ill of women in general, but when it's several crotetchedy old bitches who are running the show and making decisions when they are in their 60's and 70's but haven't a fucking clue about anything technical or maintenance, then there are a lot of problems.
The board used to be made up of a good mixture. Carpenters, electricians and some women. It was a really healthy and good balance because one wouldn't get too much sway or ability to do something without having to compromise on something. These old pieces of shit however, are the complete opposite. What these fucks say, goes.
This also comes into a very frustrating situation where they do absolutely no due diligence on something before they come to attack if one of their similarly old hags complains about something. We've had a number of complaints and a lot of it is really stupid shit. The most recent one is a noise complaint. We have a child, they make noise. Fuck off.
The hilarious thing about it though is the claim is completely baseless. Yes my son makes noise but we are outside so much that you can't complain about kids playing outside that aren't breaking windows and shit. These bitches claimed we were making a lot of noise inside, but my wife and son are home maybe 3 hours a day these days? After that it's school, extracurricular things and shit like that. So when we got an email about excessive noise, we rightfully fired back at these idiots for specific evidence. They have none, and have not responded back, and likely won't for another several days before claiming "they got the wrong address" or some shit. Fuckers.
The frustrating part about it too is that we are staying where we are because it's the most affordable at the moment, and we are clearing as much debt as possible before we make our move. It's a good plan and we've already done a good job at clearing some unnecessary shit, but we have more to go and keeping an eye on the markets. These annoying occurrences make it difficult to spend time in situations like this, because of miserable people who have absolutely nothing better to do.
What about you, do you have frustrating situations like this? How did you deal with them? Let me know in the comments!
-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated
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