Vitamin Overload

in #hive-1962338 days ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how it's good and bad to be completely stuffed with vitamins!


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Vitamin Overload

Do you suffer from Vitamin Overload?! Have you been victim of needing to search for something to improve your health?! Well you're not alone!


If you're like us, one of the things that you tend to collect, shamelessly in a way, is a fuck ton of vitamins. Now, when we think about it, it's really not that bad of a thing. The vitamins are really important for our overall health and wellbeing, but there comes to a point where we may be suffering from an overload..

We've got likely a few hundred bottles of various vitamins, supplements and other things to help with our bodies and ailments. It's a really wild thing, when you look at the counter. It's completely filled with one pill, tincture or cream and another. It's good because it's quite amazing the technology and availability of these types of things on a massive scale, but at the same time it's also a testament to how fragile and dangerous the system that we are living in truly is.

We are constantly exposed to toxins, especially those of us that live in America. It's a really insidious and poisonous mixture of shit at the end of the day. A lot of the food is poison, the water is bad, the air is being pumped with chemicals. Our houses are fucked, and so many other things. It's no wonder that we are completely full to the gills with vitamins, minerals, supplements and others. We are trying to fix the shitstorm that our bodies are exposed to!


The other day, for whatever reason we took a look at the counter and felt a little embarrassed.. there are so many fucking bottles of things on it LOL. Each ailment or issue we are having for the few weeks or months requires another set of vitamins and pills to try and alleviate. It's really wild stuff, because it's so much money..

The equally sad part is that we have to spend that insane amount of money on these thins because the environment we live in, it doesn't care the least bit in terms of the contemporary systems when it comes to nutrition, health and wellbeing. There is a lot of bullshit talk to play the game, but at the end of the day when it comes down to it, they want you sick, feeble and dependent. It's fucked.

The challenge I am having is trying to consume through some of the shit we've got. I know that it takes time and we have to be careful not to do things that we shouldn't be such as overconsumption, but I really hate to have to throw any of this away.

I started chipping away at the supplement list about a year ago, and have made pretty good progress. With the issues with the supply chain, we went a little overboard and intense when it came to certain things which is perfectly fine and helpful. Now the thing is though, consuming it so that we get the benefits before the stuff expires! Lol.

I don't really think that expiration dates are overly helpful with this stuff, it just means that it's not as potent as it was before. That's okay with me, getting something out of it is better than nothing, so even though some of the stuff that we've got is expired already, I am just powering through it and taking the stuff that we spent our hard earned money on.


What about you, do you have issues with having a fucking crazy amount of things stocked like vitamins? Are you consuming them or throwing them away? Let me know in the comments!

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Haha, I have the same. My counter has many different bottles and containers with minerals, vitamins, etc. on it. Sometimes I completely forget to take any, but then other times, I'm quite good with it. I think we all have these things that we just have a lot of. I ALWAYS have hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and colloidal silver in the house, oh, and aloe vera (plant). I think those are must haves for wound care, cuts and bruises, and hydrogen peroxide and iodine can also be used for water disinfection.
When I had a car, I I used to keep those things in the car as well, just in case.
I like to be prepared for emergencies.

Those are some good ones to have! Another one that I say is an absolute staple for us is activated charcoal. It's so important for absorbing the nasty germs we come in contact with such as the stomach bug and others. We love colloidal silver and have been using it for years!

We just recently got a bottle of iodine ourselves but have to stock up on more peroxide. We have carpets in our house and peroxide is great to use to clean stains that get mad that we have to use a carpet cleaner to pick up.

In terms of vitamins yeah there's a lot of them and it's hard to remember to take them. I think one of the reasons I'm taking them daily is to use them up so we can reclaim counter space lol

I've never really used activated charcoal because one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide in some water will take care of that right away! Nothing can live, even mold, when you use hydrogen peroxide. I give it to my dogs as a de-wormer, together with some bentonite clay. Works wonders! For internal use, you need the food grade hydrogen peroxide though. And food grade iodine. I used to make that but can't get the ingredients here.

I have reduced mine down to a few essentials I believe work and make a difference. It's easy to become influenced by what we believe we need, especially via advertising. A healthy diet can often do what vitamins can't and we have to be careful they aren't clashing. I've got mine down to magnesium and an Ashwagandwa/lavender sleeping tab, and an activated B in morning. I reckon probiotics are actually where it's at for most things. Oh and of course C and zinc when you feel your immune system is under stress.

Yeah it's not so much the advertising but looking up the specific ailments and what works to alleviate it for us.

I didn't feel like I got great feedback with ashwaganda but I'd be willing to give it another try!

Indeed it’s so important to focus on the diet instead and we’ve been trying to do that as much as we can. Being on the go every day is tough at the moment so we are making due with what we can, needing to eat out a bit more than we would like.

If I had, I'll probably throw most of the unnecessary ones away lol. I sometimes find it a bit hard to feel okay with how the body reacts to some of these vitamin supplements and the thoughts/emotions they tend to trigger.

Yeah that's a fair point. I think the thing with us is we spent a decent amount of money on some of them so we consume them to get our moneys worth instead of throwing them out lol.

There is definitely some strong emotions with it though because most often we aren't buying these for fun but because we need them.

Yes, the environment we live in has become deadening, losing a lot of its vitality so much so that we need these medications for our body to function optimally.

Hmm.. I haven't been taking supplements that much in my life actually. I think supplements are useful if I need something "extra" or an immunity boost. Come to think of it, I did take more during the pandemic period as everyone tried not to fall ill as the waiting times were very long at the healthcare places.

That’s good but I would make sure to stock up on the essentials. Vitamin C, D, magnesium and zinc are going to be crucially important for your health especially when they try the same bullshit again.

There are great ways to get all of it through food but having the supplements on hand is important for the extra boost.

I would also say that omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly important as well and we don’t get enough of them. The optimal dose based on clinical research from many functional doctors is 3,000 milligrams per day and we are lucky if we get 300 on a normal day with the food we typically eat. Organ meat like liver is a fantastic source of the stuff!