Can you hear it? That conversation stopping shriek? They situated Louisville's main airport so that if you don't live in the suburbs or the rich part of town you live along the approach path to the airport. Eventually you learn to ignore their cries for ice cream but it can take a while.
Jets must be getting to me, this whole thing is about ice cream. Or because of it. Or something. MAY IS ICE CREAM TIME See? Dairy Kastle said so, and who would know better than a seasonal ice cream stand?
Hashtag When The Drugs Sugar Kicks In. Behold, the dangerous and unpredictable sugar fiend in its native habitat.
Shit, I've been spotted. No ice cream for me today, too many questions. Remember kids: Admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations .
Did you know that sugar is a gateway drug? First comes sugar, and that leads to phone addiction, which leads to the Dark Side. Should come as no surprise that I found this phone addict double fisting on his front porch in the early afternoon only a block from Dairy Kastle. If I had an alcoholic sandy snowman for a neighbor I probably would too though...
Life is Sweet! Is that the sugar user's equivalent to 'Mommy needs wine'? At least if ice cream isn't your thing you can still get your fix. Nord's even has bacon donuts, which is probably the purest form of Murican cuisine I've seen.
Smoking is bad for you. Have you tried cocaine? It is too. Nose sugar, but for adults. Got to use the back door for that anyway.
They say exercise is good for you but I'm not willing to risk it. Just look how happy it's made this person.
Besides, who needs exercise when you can just drink coffee and not eat? Put enough cream and sugar in and it's basically hot ice cream with stimulants.
Who needs a voter guide when you've got the TL;DR version right beside it? Pretty sure every season of 'Election' boils down to "Trust Crooks!"