Who Wednesday walks? That's just too much alliteration. Did the Ministry of Silly Walks authorize this?
Something about this just smells fishy. Or maybe that was just the smoke. Almost titled this Welcome To Smoke Beach but that just didn't have the same ring to it.
Three nights camping next to the Pacific Ocean sounds great, no? Early September of 2017, I'd just spent a month and a half shooting and camping in the Rockies and was ready for something that wasn't tall and cold. Discovered that Olympic National Park had a tiny sliver right on the coast that you could camp in and knew that was the place for me. Neglected to take into account the fact that half the West was doing the combustion.
It was a lovely place to camp, especially if you like green and moist. Soon as shelter was seen to I headed for the beach. Well shit fire and save matches! Visibility was in shotgun range and the sun was like a vague memory of a smoking lamp.
This walk was going nowhere fast so I did what any reasonable human would and climbed on the biggest piece of driftwood (or is it beachwood?) in sight.
Yep, you guessed it. Nothing else for it but to shoot the birds. What else are you supposed to do when you stumble upon the reunion of the cast of one of Hitchcock's movies?
Must have fallen on hard times, they were working for crumbs. Thought maybe playing Free Bird for them would make them feel better but they were not amused. Damn west coast birds...
Up in smoke should have been the title of this. Even the birds are leaving so you know it's bad. Maybe the Ministry of Silly Walks will authorize this after all, just tell'em it's for the birds.