Hey friends,
Galen's thrown a curve ball (as he has a tendency to do) with his Weekend Engagement post for this week. Here are the questions I'm going to answer in this post:
What is your best physical feature and why?
And what are your best two personality traits?
Firstly, let's talk about how beautiful I am. 😂
I jest, sort of. Though these days I'm pretty in awe of how amazing I am as a human being. After so many years of thinking awful things about myself, it's nice to be able to easily think and genuinely say super kind things about myself regularly.
The part of my body that was most often complimented (before I met Brad who regularly tells me that so many parts of my body are amazing!) are my eyes. And while there are now many parts of my body that I think are pretty fabulous (hi, ever-beating heart! hello, fabulous brain!) I think my favourite physical feature is probably still my eyes.
They're kind of blue, kind of green and occasionally kind of grey. I think it depends on what mood I'm in, how well I am and perhaps look different depending on what I'm wearing. I seem drawn to teal as a colour because it seems to make my eyes kind of shine.
This is a zoomed-in photo of a selfie I took a few weeks back when I was just about to head out for a run. It's probably the best shot I can give you of really seeing my eyes using the photos I have on my phone.
Now, enough about how beautiful I am 😁 let me answer part two of Galen's question: my two best personality traits.
So, I probably can't tell you that I'm modest now, can I? 😅
But really, to answer this entire question requires a modicum of indulgent self-love, does it not?
Though, how to choose? I have so many fabulous personality traits. 🤣 (Cracking myself up here. Hope you're laughing along too. 😜)
Okay, okay. Caroline,
answer the question.
Quit stalling.
You're clearly uncomfortable.
What do you like about your personality?
I like that I'm very, very genuine. I really care about being really real. Yes, I like that about myself.
I haven't always felt safe to be really real and I definitely feel safer being more real with certain people and in certain spaces than in others. But it's something I strive towards: being as real as possible. And I think, mostly, I do pretty well at this.
Additionally, I think this is a good behaviour to role model to others so I'm proud of this.
Okay, Caroline. That wasn't so hard. One more. What else do you like about your personality?
I'm very willing to get uncomfortable, to learn new things and try new things. You could say these are all unique traits but to me they're all wrapped up in one.
I guess you could call this a growth mindset; I'm willing to grow as a human being and that requires trying new things and getting uncomfortable because new things = unknown = uncomfortable.
So, that's it! I made it! Wooooooo. Now it's your turn if you're game. 😉
This is another photo by me, taken when Brad and I were on the road travelling to visit another new parkrun we'd never been to before.
Galen shared several prompts this weekend that we can write to (you can get in on the action here if you see this before 6:30 am UTC Monday 13th Feb). This post was my answer!
If you do decide to write a post as part of Weekend Engagement--and you're proud of the post you've written--please tag me so I see it. I'll upvote, reblog and/or give out tokens to those I feel have written great posts.
If you don't really care about writing a post of your own but you do want to tell me your one best physical feature and your two best personality traits then I'd love to know. Please tell me in the comments! All thoughtful answers will be upvoted or receive tokens. Thanks for your genuine engagement! 👇