Que tal Lmacers!! Esta semana no encontré mucho tiempo para dedicarle a mi diseño, logre conectar con la imágen pero me faltó concretar. Siento que algo le estaría faltando, pero luego de varias horas poniendo y sacando imagenes desistí. No es que me desagrade el resultado final, pero creo que podría haberle agregado mas cosas. Estar de vacaciones no ayuda, estoy disperso y perezoso.
Hace dos días que el diseño esta asi. Puse y quite caracoles, no me gustaron. Quise agregar algunos soldados en la batalla, pero no encontré nada que pegue junto con la temática.
Desgraciadamente el tiempo es tirano! Mientras escribo esto veo que falta escasamente una hora para la fecha limite de entrega. Me siento algo avergonzado por no poder mantener la calidad de la que tanto me enorgullezco.
Debo admitir que pase bastante tiempo armando el caracol/tanque de guerra. Queria hacerle algo diferente a lo que hacia normalmente. Asi que decidi hacer un poco de estilo steampunk en este bello y insecto gelatinoso. No podia mandarlo a la batalla en su frágil caparazon. Agregue unas texturas, dandole una armadura metalica mas acorde a la temática que fue surgiendo. Luego encontre estas orugas y tambien un cañon que me gusta como quedo.
Quise hacer una baranda diferente en el puente, pero no conseguí el efecto esperado. No me gusta postear cosas que no cumplen con mis estandares, pero por otro lado no quiero perderme ni una sola ronda de esta comunidad que tanto amo.
Howdy Lmacers! This week I didn't find much time to dedicate to my design, I managed to connect with the image but I didn't get it right. I feel that something was missing, but after several hours of putting and taking images I gave up. It's not that I don't like the final result, but I think I could have added more things to it. Im kinda on vacations so im also a bit lost and lazy with time.
The design has been like this for two days. I put and removed snails, I didn't like them. I wanted to add some soldiers in the battle, but I didn't find anything that fits with the theme.
Unfortunately time is a tyrant! As I write this I see that the deadline is barely an hour away. I feel a bit ashamed for not being able to maintain the quality I am so proud of.
I must admit that I spent a lot of time putting the snail/war tank together. I wanted to do something different than I normally do. So I decided to do a little steampunk style on this beautiful, jelly insect. I couldn't send it into battle in its fragile shell. I added some textures, giving it a metal armor more in fitting with the theme that was emerging. Then I found these caterpillars and also a cannon that I like how it turned out.
I wanted to make a different railing on the bridge, but I didn't get the expected effect. I don't like to post things that don't meet my standards, but on the other hand I don't want to miss a single round of this community that I love so much.
Backstage images
Resources used
Source of Image LIL