I am working on a fun list called "The Ideal Life" (Now its what I consider ideal, not the world), which will be about, what life I will be striving to live, maybe not forever but for at least 6 months, to really see its impact :D I just gotta get start / commit to it xD
Also, this list is also pronen to change over time if something ain't working for me :D
Up "Early" aka Earlybird
I am normally up at 6 am everyday, which I feel like is a good time to be up and get started. But I might want to push that to 5 am depending on my days, since I work different hours depending on the day. There is only a 2 hour difference, but I might be able to get everything done in that timeframe if I don't get up a 5 am. I have to tinker with that.
Plenty of Water aka AQUAMAN
I have gotten into the bad habit of not drinking enough water on almost a daily basis! Which is pretty bad in my eyes and my weekends are even worse!
The first thing I grab in the morning in the weekends are an Energy drink! After that, another Energy Drink x)
I REALLY REALLY want to get to a point where water have a amazing fresh taste! Instead of being "boring" because I am used to unnatural stuff :c
Cold Showers or Ice Baths
I am going to fking hate this in the beginning. I take quite hot showers daily and enjoy the shit out of them. But I know the benefits a cold shower can have on the body, so I want to start doing these things as a part of my routine.
I am currently taking a shower after work which I will keep doing since its my hot shower and my cleaning shower :p
I will try to take cold showers in the morning before work, so I can wake the fuck up :D
The goal in the beginning is just to run in and out of cold water and get used to it and later being able to bd in the cold/ice shower for at least 5 mins!
Is properly going to be hard to get a ice bath, since its not normal to have baths herw, we have showers instead. So I might have to get create and buy a outdoor inflatable pool and keep it at my parents house, so I can do Ice Bath when I visit them!
Morning workouts aka Get Pumped!
I think this is properly going to be the hardest one. Not only because I am so out of shape, but because I would have to leave my apartment an hour or so before I normally do in order to get in a workout! I might even only workout for like 30mins here in the beginning just to get used to it and make sure its easier to stick too than making it to hard.
I have already started to do push-ups daily now, not only to get into the flow but also to stimulate/prime my muscles for the coming workouts so its not going to be so hard to start :D - The point is not to get a beach body or anything like that. The goal would be to be more healthy and to convert some fat into muscles :p
Work as a Passion!
Most people work 9-5 and they don't enjoy it. We properly have to reinvent the wheel at somepoint when it comes to work or economics, but at the current stage most of us are just slaves.
I have talked about ideas and such before to fix this but the greed in the world is still no.1 x)
But, I am have recently created a plan to make my NGO and work with that in the future! That would not be 9-5 properly more hours, but that would be my passion, so working on it would be easier! Its going to be slow, but hopefully it will be possible down the road :D
Social with people who have the same goals as you
This is properly the hardest one to change. Not only do you have to go out of your way to find other people to connect with, it can also be very hard to find these people!
Also, you might not want to give up your friends, I know I don't want to, but I also don't want to continue down the same path, so I might have to give them up at somepoint. Which is a really scary thought! But I do also have to think about myself and my happiness! I am 30 years old for god sake xD
Bad Habits
So when I will start doing these things? First of May! Too many thinngs? Nah.
So one benefit of having ADHD and knowing how it works, so you can use it for your benefit. So commiting to a lot of stuff at once is 100% possible for me because I can then distract myself with some of the things I have to do :p
Doing one thing at a time will become boring and dorment for me xD