in #hive-16928711 months ago


You might think you are a church lover until you start having problems in the church and with the church. It seems like a warm and cold experience, sometimes I sit down to ask myself why should I go through these moments.

A man seeks for a local church to worship and identity with, when he finds one that convicts his spirit, he gets comfortable with the church.

He sees the surroundings, the mode of worship, prayer session, word session, follow-up method, beautiful men and women fervent in God, he falls in love with what he sees. In a twinkle of an eye it gets sour and complex.

Imagine you became the member of a church, later on, you took the position of a worker. the task increases, the expectations from your church skyrockets. everyone wants you to behave in a certain kind of way, different from non workers. do not get me wrong, you have been placed with a responsibility to help the church move forward.

The pastor instructs you to come to church before time of service and wait after service. you could be in the technical team, choir, decoration team, sanitary unit, media team, follow-up team,prayer unit, evangelism team and so on.

You get familiar with the aspects of love, friendships, relationships, church growth and church politics. things do not really happen smoothly pertaining to this aspect. we start developing personal feuds, which leads us with the saying "I have not seen the perfect church for me"

Yes, "I have not seen the perfect church for me", that statement is hypothetical.

Personally, I have been to alot of churches. when I got saved I was aware spiritually and emotionally about situations. I was always curious, more like I wanted to taste the waters. there is always something lacking in every church. I went to a church and loved their mode of worship but they lacked in prayer,I went to a church filled with the ability to pray vigorously but they lacked in the mode of quality worship and praise session. I went to a church that has both the ability to pray, worship and praise effectively but they lacked in friendships and quality relationships.


The word of God was preached scripturally and in truth but some things outside it was odd.

oh!, that was the fool in me being critical.

Today, Some individuals are filled with an aversion inside the church while others bear animosity for the church when they decided to quit attending.

It leads us to the question, "is there a perfect church?" but Christ called the church "Perfect". Christ died for the church.

Is the church perfect because there are a bunch of imperfect people there that God is using to do his work? The answer is "NO".

God looks at us and calls us perfect because he sees the man saved by christ. he does not look at man based on man's work as the church. The man is the church, Christ saved the church , 2 Thessalonians 2:14 and Colossians 1:13 gives us an insight in our transformation

The church is not perfect, another meaning of "perfect" in the Greek word is "mature". Spiritually,We grow daily, we need each other just like Paul described with the ligaments and parts of our body in 1 Corinthians 12-27.

I hope you find this information useful, questions are invited. Thank you all and remain blessed ❤️🙏