It’s my job to give my customers the luxury of not having to think about their groceries

in #hive-167922last year


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My job is to make their life easier 🫡 🛒 🥕

When you hire somebody to do something for you, you're not supposed to have to help. That's my opinion at least. Some people choose to do everything themselves and I'm all for that, but I also understand having the desire to get somebody else to do your dirty work.

I'm somebody who has never ordered grocery delivery. I have however delivered groceries to around 1,000 people this year and I know it is very popular. One thing that allows me to succeed with this job so much is the fact that I am extremely fast with my work. It's not just about sprinting around the store either. Let me explain.

Many shoppers think that it's best to send an opening message to the customer and to stay in contact with them the entire shop. I'm the opposite of that. I just go inside the store and start shopping. The only time I contact the customer is if they contact me first. That usually never happens, but sometimes they dislike one of my replacements and we have a short discussion. I'm always very nice, but also brief to save us both time.

My personality enables me to have a great conversations with just about anybody. You may wonder why I don't take the time to talk to my customers. Perhaps it would even increase my tip. I strongly believe that my customers are not using Instacart to make friends. They want groceries delivered to their doorstep and that's what I'm here to help with.

I do not want to bother these people with questions or small talk. If I can get in the store and to their house without ever having to speak to them, then I feel I did my job to the best of my ability.

I try to think of how I'd want my Instacart order to go if I were the customer. I'd prefer they just get me what I need and I don't have to stress over it. If something is out of stock, make a smart decision on the replacement, and don't second guess it.

This relates to many aspects of life, not just being an Instacart shopper. If you think about every single possible outcome of a situation, then you are wasting precious time and energy. It's good to plan, but it's also really nice to just stick with your instincts and watch everything turn out great.

I've had many customers leave comments on my profile complimenting how I work. It's funny because we don't even have to talk for them to understand that I am doing the best I can for them. I don't waste time and I'm always on a mission to get the items to the customer as quickly and correctly as possible.

Just an Instacart rant. I'm done. I work this job pretty much daily now, so it's on my mind a lot. It still hasn't gotten boring to me and I have no doubt that this will not be my last Instacart post.


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I also prefer to go to the store and buy according to my choice rather than placing an order.

I guess we both are not lazy.

Always try to stay away from laziness.

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I only ordered groceries online once and that was during the peak of the pandemic.
For health purposes...most of the time,I prefer doing t myself

Congratulations, for having those possitive feedbacks.

I wish I worked this job during the pandemic. I bet the pay was insanely good then because everybody was afraid to go to the store.

:) yes, i, for one, super appreciate the delivery people.. I wish target had a saved order that so i could just re-order what i got last time, or edit it as needed, but it's all good.

I always (well, 99%) check the 'no substitutions' part.. to keep it exactly what i budgeted.. sometimes the same thing, but a different brand, can really cost u.. :P

There's a lot of people like you who really do appreciate and need this device.
I try my hardest to make sure the customer gets something that they want or at least something similar. I do understand that some things cost more and it may not seem like much to me, but I don't know the customers financial situation.

😉😎 all good. i do like getting what i ordered, or the next closest thing..

Diligence is one of the major things that matter in a job. You are being successful because you are diligent when it comes to your work. Kudos to you!!!

Surely you will be providing a great service to the people. Then you have achieved so much progress in such a short time . Because there must be something in your work or your service that makes people come to you. Indeed, that thing may be our work, our morals or whatever .

To tell you the truth, I like your job very much, but unfortunately there is no such opportunity in our country. If I lived in America, I would definitely try to do this job. This job has two benefits one is you are doing it and you earn money to live your daily life and secondly it helps others in many ways.

This really is a great job and I hold that more countries get opportunities like this soon.

I appreciate your efforts to give the best for the customers!


Wow interesting, in my country we hardly see that but it would make the hassle of being in the supermarket choosing product by product much easier. Only once I asked them to bring me groceries from the supermarket and the truth was very good, I personally see it very useful. Yes it is true that human beings increasingly find ways to not do what we should do, but at the same time this helps to generate more jobs like yours which I find fascinating. Good job ✨

Some people hate grocery shopping. I happen to love it and be good at it. I'm glad to be able to do it.

Would also be a job for me! I love doing groceries. 🛒

Not sure if there is an equivalent in Germany, but if there is you should give it a try.

Will keep my eyes open.

You personality, your behaviour, your way of talking does matter in this kind of job and you are killing it the way you are working. You are fast and you love your work.

If only there were Instacart leaderboards. I know I'd be dominating them.

You would be on top, I'm pretty sure of it.

Your customer service is where you will outshine others. Keep up the good work and those tips will keep coming! Can customers choose who they want to shop for them?

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For some reason there is no way for customers to choose who there shopper is. You always get somebody random, although I have delivered to the same people multiple times already.

It would be nice if they could choose. Either way it looks to suit you well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta