Hispaliterario 19 / A mother's kiss | Beso de una madre [En-Es]

Sia was very happy the last day of her exams, she missed her mother, the kiss she received from her is always inexplicable, Sia saw the driver coming, and she prepared to go home, Theo approached her and gave her a letter and quickly left, Sia did not know that Theo was not going to continue as a student in that school, she opened the letter and saw his handwriting, it said that he and his parents were going to move to another country.

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Sia went out of where she was and looked for her friend, she saw him with his parents and told him that she is going to miss him a lot too, her friend kissed her goodbye, when the person who was driving a customized car just like Sia's parents arrived to where she was, he could not see her in that place, he only saw her box.

Sia escaped from the people who were coming to kidnap her because of the love she had for her friend, before she got to where her box was, her mother had arrived at the school and the people who were going to take her away escaped when they saw her real mother.

The mother sees her daughter, the school security chases the two men who wanted to take Sia for ransom, Sia's mother takes her daughter in the car and they leave, on the way she kisses her with all her heart, because she knows that the people who wanted to take her daughter were the ones who killed her father a few years ago, she didn't want to take any more risks in her daughter's life.

Sia's father was a business tycoon, so it was true that people in the same line of business as her family were after her life, when her father died, her mother took over the business.

But these competitors were looking for a way to eliminate her whole family and leave no one behind, however, they did not succeed because Sia and her mother moved to another city, in that city Sia grew up and started using a phone, on her social platform Sia met a young man who looks like someone she knew, she and this handsome young man set a date after a long time of chatting with each other, Sia realised it was Theo an old friend when they were both young.

Theo told her how much he had missed her and how happy he felt in his heart to have met her today, they both toasted to a new friendship, spent the day together, kissed and told each other how time had shaped their minds.


Sia estaba muy feliz el ultimo dia de sus examenes, extrañaba a su madre, el beso que recibio de ella siempre es inexplicable, Sia vio venir al chofer, y se preparo para ir a casa, Theo se le acerco y le dio una carta y rapidamente se fue, Sia no sabia que Theo no iba a continuar como alumno en esa escuela, abrio la carta y vio su letra, decia que el y sus padres se iban a mudar a otro pais.

Fuente de la imagen

Sia salio de donde estaba y busco a su amigo, lo vio con sus padres y le dijo que ella tambien lo iba a extrañar mucho, su amigo le dio un beso de despedida, cuando la persona que conducia un auto personalizado igual al de los padres de Sia llego a donde ella estaba, no pudo verla en ese lugar, solo vio su caja.

Sia escapo de las personas que venían a secuestrarla por el amor que le tenía a su amiga, antes de llegar a donde estaba su caja, su madre había llegado a la escuela y las personas que se la iban a llevar escaparon al ver a su verdadera madre.

La madre ve a su hija, la seguridad del colegio persigue a los dos hombres que querían llevarse a Sia para pedir rescate, la madre de Sia coge a su hija en el coche y se van, por el camino la besa con todo su corazón, porque sabe que las personas que querían llevarse a su hija fueron las que mataron a su padre hace unos años, no quería correr más riesgos en la vida de su hija.

El padre de Sia era un magnate de los negocios, así que era cierto que la gente de la misma línea de negocios que su familia iban tras su vida, cuando su padre murió, su madre se hizo cargo del negocio.

Pero estos competidores buscaban la manera de eliminar a toda su familia y no dejar a nadie atrás, sin embargo, no lo consiguieron porque Sia y su madre se mudaron a otra ciudad, en esa ciudad Sia creció y empezó a utilizar un teléfono, en su plataforma social Sia conoció a un joven que se parecía a alguien que conocía, ella y este apuesto joven fijaron una cita después de mucho tiempo de chatear entre ellos, Sia se dio cuenta de que era Theo un viejo amigo de cuando ambos eran jóvenes.

Theo le dijo lo mucho que la había echado de menos y lo feliz que se sentía de corazón por haberla conocido hoy, ambos brindaron por una nueva amistad, pasaron el día juntos, se besaron y se contaron como el tiempo había moldeado sus mentes.


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