Just enter your Hive account name and see all the information that is at your fingertips.
This is the site that gives you the badge if you participate in Hive Power Up Day. There is also a count down to the next Hive Power Up Day which will be in 5 Days, 7 Hours and a little.
HiveBuzz Components
HiveBuzz is currently composed of 4 main components:
However today I will only be touching on the HiveBuzz Board but below is a list of all four components.
The HiveBuzz Board -
A dashboard where users can view their badges and track their progress on the blockchain.
The HiveBuzz Ranking -
A tool that allows users to compare their performance to others or quickly get information about other users.
The HiveBuzz Shop -
Our web store, where you can order personalized items.
The HiveBuzz API -
A tool that allows developers to integrate HiveBuzz into their applications.
The HiveBuzz Board
The top of the page is full of your statistics. On the left side is your account level. It is represented by a marine animal.
There are five different levels:
- Red Fish
- Minnow
- Dolphin
- Orca
- Whale
As you can see from my statistics, I am a Minnow with 5,952,895 VESTS. I will need 10,000,000 VESTS to achieve Dolphin status. It appears I am more than half way to the Dolphin level.
To be a Whale, you would need 1,000,000,000 VESTS. Currently there are 40 Whales on the Hive Blockchain according to the HiveBuzz rankings that meet that criteria.
Below are all the levels with the associated number of VESTS you need for each level.
You might ask why are VESTS used instead of Hive Power. I had the same question and here is the answer that is reflected in the HiveBuzz user guide.
VESTS are the blockchain internal representation of your Hive Power.
HiveBuzz monitors VESTS instead of HP because VESTS do not vary when accounts are not involved in blockchain operations while the displayed Hive Power balance may change because of HIVE inflation.
I do not have a full understanding of this however I believe it is related to the approximately 3% which is added to staked Hive Power.
On the right side, you have:
- The number of posts you have published
- The number of comments you have made on other users' posts
- The average number of votes you have received per post
- The total of author rewards you got for publishing posts (in Hive Power)
- The average author rewards you got for published posts (in Hive Power)
- The total of curation rewards you got for accurately voting quality posts (in Hive Power)
I have completed the following activity on the Hive Blockchain.
- 1,253 Posts
- 82 Average Upvotes Per Post
- 2,761 Author Rewards (HP)
- 2.204 Average Author Reward (HP)
- 629 Curation Rewards (HP)
Have You Looked Lately?
Have You Looked Lately to s your Hive blockchain statistics? You may be surprised what you find out about yourself and your activity.