Have you ever wondered about someone sleeping beside the trash can or begging for money? What is his story, and what has he experienced? Humans don't care about other people's pain, only our own. All the pain and memories end up being asked into mother earth. Time carried by the wings of the wind disappears, and we are left with the here and now. Or just an unfamiliar figure in some photographs. If we know their stories, we can help them and change their lives.
It's been on my mind for a while, a crazy little idea. Since joining Dreemport, I have wanted to do a little contest. A contest inspired by the pain of others' tears and names remembered only by death itself. Maybe then we will see through. To tell the stories of those we cannot see, whose pain we are blind to. We can't change the world, but we can at least show humanity. Maybe the bum you pass every day is someone's father. They don't have Hive or any other platform accounts, even phones, yet they are here, around us, part of humanity. And we can help them, help their stories be heard.
I want you to get out of your comfort zone for a little while, walk down the street and hear the stories of the forgotten society, and then tell them here. Buy them a snack, lunch, or even a bottle of water and just listen. You will see the real world we live in, hear stories much more interesting than books and movies, and explore forgotten times.
And you know what, you can even post it on Dreemport when it's not a challenge day.
•Original stories and photos of the people only!
•Plagiarism will be reported!
•Using the tag #showhumanity
•Posts only in English.
•Entries must be posted before October 10!
2000 Ecency points and 600 Dreem tokens
will be distributed equally to all participants.
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
Thank you for support and follow me @darthsauron