Going to Heaven is it a Destiny? by Pastor Eli and my review.

in #hive-1820746 months ago

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Hello friends, today marks another incredible day to join friends of MCGI community in making a review over the lessons learnt from Pastor Eli's teaching on the subject matter illustrated above.

However, there is a saying that no one is born king, in order words, kings are made and not born irrespective of one's background either political or monarchical, he must wait to be crowned king or whatever leadership position by a number of his prospecting subjects before he assumes kingship.

In Pastor Eli's teaching, he illustrated through the scriptures how God declined David’s proposal in building his temple at Jerusalem as he chose Solomon instead; this is according to the scriptures in 1 Chronicles 28:3-4.



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From these scriptures, it's noteworthy that God never chose Solomon because he was more righteous than David because at a point, God underscored that David was a man after his heart.

However, we can also affirm that the disapproval of David from building the temple does not stop him from making heaven as this further indicates that irrespective of once atrocious acts, he can still make heaven if he eventually changes from his evil ways.

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From the scripture above, we would attest that Solomon was recommended and approved by God before he was born and even in his early years on earth to the point God asked him to ask for whatever was his wish but he later missed it on the long run when he married unbelievers who led him away from his maker although he finally asserted that all these things are vanity upon vanity.

Nonetheless, I may not emphatically state that Solomon went to hail or heaven at the end of his life but we saw how he got it all wrong to the extent of worshiping other gods which was an abominable act before God as it's written in Deuteronomy 5:9 where God emphasized we shouldn't bow to any image because He's a jealous God.

The underscore as asserted by Pastor Eli is that despite the approval and recommendation of Solomon by God in his early Life as the man who should build God's temple at Jerusalem, he later went astray even at those recommendations as the chosen one.

The lesson learnt from this teaching is that people may miss it given their disobedience to God even at starting well in Life. There's this story of a Nigerian Pastor who was a punter, he won some reasonable amount of money and then left the pulpit underscoring he has been deceiving himself all those while.

It is also important to note that the intention and purpose of God for humanity is for everyone to make his kingdom which was also the reason Christ was given for our Ransome. God would never force anyone to either God to heaven or hail but he has made provision for everyone to be in his kingdom which Christ was the one whom God used to make peace between himself and humanity.

Finally, going to heaven or being in God's kingdom as the case may be is a divine mandate but the life we live will determine if we are qualified for the kingdom God has prepared for us. Thank you for going through bye.