I Never Lost My Praise.

in #hive-1928066 months ago



Greetings friends, hope everyone is fine. There's this pretty song by the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir, led by Tramaine Hawkins which intrigued me so much. However, this song was released in 2007 titled I Never Lost My Praise.

I have loved this quote that Life is a tragicomic setting. When I was tender, I thought everything will be gotten on platters of gold as my parents had always given us their best in those times but as I grew older, I begin to understand the meaning of the word responsibility.

I've learned that times of abundance and that of scarcity aren't always in perpetuity irrespective of its pressure and intensity at the moment. Nonetheless, this authenticates the saying that “no condition is permanent”.

I have also observed that our lives do not constitute the abundance of the wealth we amassed given the fact that we all came with nothing into this place and will also leave with nothing in our transition out of planet earth.

There's something about praise and music in general, It's a part of life. During marriages, you'll hear music. During church and mosque gatherings, you'll also hear music and to people like me, music and good sounds has captivated me to the point that no day passes without listening to one.

YouTube video link

It's very rampant to see people quarrel and fight when they're sad but we hardly see them fight when they're happy. Happiness instigates the aura of praise which transitions into freedom and absence of worry. Meaning when people are happy, you normally see them sing using whichever language they deem fit which makes them think less.

It's better to lose one's problem and unhappiness than loosing his praise because your praise is the reality that extinguishes every presence of worries and anxieties. One's anxiety could be sickness, fear of poverty or death but his praise is that he's still living and a living dog they say, is better than a dead lion.

Praise and good music in general have the capacity to bring relief and freedom from the different baroque of issues people are going through these days. There's hardship, unemployment, scarcity, war and countless spots of fracas everywhere but praising God and listening to good music can turn the tide to our favor.

No matter what people are going through, having good music around can abate those storms around us disregarding the nature of their intensity. However, We shouldn't look down on music because it's a gift from God which remains a secret men must search out for.

Even God understands the importance of music and praise in general which made him to create legions of worshipping Angels that sings praises to him day and night. Nonetheless, if we should hold on to our praise, sincerely we will live like a people without problem.

It's funny tht there's a mystery in praise and there are two personalities who can never praise anyone and they are God and the devil but whichever of these beings we praise determine who works for us. When we praise God which is exactly what he can't do for himself, he blesses us with those things we can't do for ourselves and on the contrary, when people praises the devil, he also gives them those things they requested although not without boring and laborious demands which they may not keep on the long run.

Finally, it's lovely to hold on to one's praise which could be appreciating God for Life or some other things he's done for you, probably deliverance from sickness and other complications. Permit me to draw the curtain at this point. Thank you for going through bye.


Praise is always needed in all we are doing, because help a lot in getting us off from stress and anxiety as you said, as much i recommended listening to music because it upoift our mind at all time.

You're very correct friend. Praise is very important in every one's life as it gets us off many stress in Life.

Your words resonate with me, especially the reminder that no condition is permanent and the importance of holding onto our praise amidst life's challenges. Your insights on the connection between happiness, praise, and freedom are truly inspiring. Music has a unique way of uplifting our spirits and bringing relief in times of hardship.

Very much correct, music really has a way of ushering in those deserving moments in everyone's Life. Thank you for going through friend.

Music indeed is a gift from God. I can sense peace and life in this song.

Religion is a great way to seek solace in our darkest moments. There's this inexplicable contempt that comes from it, this peace, and happiness — it's just beyond our comprehension.

Indeed beyond our comprehension. I have come to the reality that music is Life and vice versa. Thank you for checking up dear.