Hello photography lovers. As always, I'm glad to be sharing some beautiful pictures I was able to capture. A community like this, and the blockchain as a whole has afforded me the opportunity to do something I really enjoy, and also find a place to share with wonderful persons like you viewing this.
When I wish to capture some nice pictures, I normally go on a walk or stroll while getting fixated on the things around, to find captivating sights to bring before the camera. It's a soothing activity for me; counting how much I enjoy it again. This offers the opportunity to have a natural view of the environment and discovering things never thought or known to be present.
Today, I'm sharing some shots taken on one of such walks. Last time I shared on some man-made features that I was able to capture. Guess what? I'm back to nature again. Nature is a therapy. It always feels good capturing these pleasant and relaxing sights of nature. These pictures draw one to a connection with nature and its beauty.
Major sights captured in these shots include plants leaves; greenish and well flourishing, hanging from a branch. Also, some dried looking plants; which I consider it's their nature for some. Yellow blossoming bright petals of a flower was captured as well. The visual was amusing to eyes, and permeating like a fragrance.
Find the shots below;