in #hive-14021710 days ago

Greetings, human duelists, how are you?

Today, I would like to talk a bit about a game I've been playing on my phone for months now called SQUAD BUSTERS. This is a really fun game because each match is different from the last, and that can hook you as a player.



In short, to win, you need to have the most crystals by the end of the match. There are several characters with support, attack, speed, and buff abilities.

My account isn’t small. I’d say it’s pretty advanced, as I’m only a few levels away from reaching the highest league, and the best part is that it’s all been free-to-play.

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One thing I want to point out is that I only need 3 more characters to have them all at their base level. Yes, that's right, the characters evolve, which is something I like because they start off like children and progress, unlocking their abilities.

My most powerful character, so to speak, is this one, as it’s at 4-star level. The not-so-great part is that it’s a support character, and since the characters appear randomly in matches, I don’t get to choose it often.

WhatsApp Image 2024-10-01 at 10.28.29 AM(4).jpeg

The characters I like the most for their mechanics are these 4:

⭐The archer I have at level 3 which is very useful, as she has very good area damage and can kill enemies from a distance.

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⭐The Merchant, who is really good at gathering crystals. You can combine him with other characters, and you can go from last place to first in the final seconds and snatch the victory.

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⭐Shelly, who is a great attacker, and I also have her with this skin that references the SAILOR MOON series, which I find beautiful.

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⭐And the Pig, because in this game, speed is important to move across the map, as well as to steal the crystals scattered around the map in the final seconds of the game.

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I also want to highlight that they plan to collaborate with other brands in the future, such as TRANSFORMERS, where I had the chance to get them before the event ended.

banner hive gaming.png

Overall, it’s a great game, and the team is developing a really good product. I love the potential this game has because it's mobile, dynamic, doesn't get boring, and you can play it while heading to your studies or work. And the most important thing is that before you know it, you’ll have made a lot of progress in your account (that rhymed, haha).

Well, friends, I hope you’re encouraged to try SQUAD BUSTERS and have fun. A special shout-out to my friend @eddiespino who also plays it.

With that, I say goodbye, but not before reminding you to learn something new, exercise, and most importantly, seek YOUR HAPPINESS.

Blessings, see you in the game...


Saludos humanos duelistas como están...

Hoy quisiera hablarles un poco de un juego que llevo haces meses jugando en mi celular el cual se llama SQUAD BUSTER, este es un juego muy divertido porque cada partida es diferente a la otra y eso te puede enganchar como jugador.

En pocas palabras para ganar, debes tener al final del tiempo de la partida la cantidad de cristales posibles y hay varios personajes que tienen habilidades de soporte, ataque , velocidad y bufos.

Mi cuenta no es chiquita, diría que esta bien avanzada ya que estoy a pocos niveles de llegar a la liga mas alta y lo mejor todo ha sido freetoplay.

Algo que recalco que me faltan solo 3 personajes para tenerlos todo en su nivel base , porque si señores aqui los personajes evolucionan y es algo que me gusta porque empiezan como niños y van avanzando y desbloqueando sus habilidades.

Mi personaje mas poderoso por decirlo así es esta, ya que esta en nivel 4 de estrellas, lo no tan bueno es que una soporte y como en las partidas solo salen personajes al azar para escoger no es que salga mucho.

Los personajes que mas me gustan por sus mecánicas son estos 4:

La arquera que tengo en nivel 3 la cual es muy util, ya que tiene muy buen daño en área y puede matar a los enemigos a distancia.

El mercader ya que es demasiado bueno para reunir cristales y lo puedes combinar con otros personajes y puedes pasar de estar en ultimo lugar al primero en los últimos segundos y llevarte la victoria.

Shelly que un gran atacante y ademas la tengo con esta skin que hace mención a la serie de SAILOR MOON la cual me parece preciosa.

y el puerco, ya que en este juego la velocidad es importante para moverte por todo el mapa , como también robar los cristales regados que van quedando por el mapa en los últimos segundos del juego lo cual es muy emocionante y cambia el panorama del juego.

Algo que recalco es que tienen a futuro hacer colaboraciones con otras marcas, como es el caso de TRANSFORMERS ,donde tuve la oportunidad de conseguirlos antes de que se acaba el evento y eso crea atracción para el juego.

En general es un gran juego y el equipo esta desarrollando muy buen producto. Me gusta el potencial que tiene este juego ya que es para mobil, es dinámico, no te aburre y lo podes jugar mientras vas hacia tus estudios y trabajo; y lo mas importante es que antes de que te des cuenta habrás avanzado mucho en tu cuenta ( salio en rima jeje ).

Bueno amigos espero se animen a probar SQUAD BUSTER y se diviertan. Un saludo especial para el amigo @eddiespino que también lo juega.
No siendo mas me despido sin antes recordarles aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y lo más importante buscar TU FELICIDAD.

Bendiciones, nos vemos en el juego...


To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric fonts used .
screenshots of my game account
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks


Este juego le encanta mucho a mi hermano, aun yo no lo juego, pronto lo hago se ve super

anímate a jugarlo.


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I love the passion you put into the games. It seems very entertaining the one you are presenting today, but playing against others... with my level!!!! 🤣

A big hug @davot


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My account isn’t small. I’d say it’s pretty advanced, as I’m only a few levels away from reaching the highest league, and the best part is that it’s all been free-to-play.

Damn bro, that's a good achievement, especially considering some of these free-to-play games are so grindy if you don't spend anything.

I have seen it getting a lot more popular lately. Looks fun with the cute animations and characters.

Yes, it is very good and fun. Thanks for reading my friend.

Se ve divertido el juego. Felicitaciones por tu avance!


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Awesome! I keep playing this game every day. I played the latest Transformer event, and I enjoyed it. I was able to unlock both characters at the Super level, and they are quite powerful.

The game is fun, but let's see if they can add more modes soon.

yes my friend, hopefully they will add new modes soon. I'm glad you also have the transformers. Thanks for the vote and greetings to your family.