Yery: Cuento infantil [ESP/ENG]

in #hive-1324103 years ago
Hola a todos, hay un dicho que reza: "por sus frutos, los conocereis", bueno aquí les dejo un cuento, hecho con mucho cariño, fruto de mi imaginación.😊

By Dayana Suárez
Versión en Español


En un lugar hermoso llamado granja, vivía un pequeño niño de siete años cuyo nombre era Yery, Yery habla nacido en Granja, Granja era un territorio conformado por más de 100 cuadras, ¿imaginas eso?, Granja pues era grande, en ella había muchos arroyos, plantas frutales y muchas flores de múltiples colores. En época de lluvia Granja parecía llenarse de vida, pues venían animalitos de todos lados en busca del agua de los arroyitos y de uno que otro charquito que en Granja por la lluvia se formaban.

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Debes saber, que en medio de Granja vivía Yary, en una modesta casa pues sus padres cuidaban de Granja, alimentaban a los animalitos que los dueños de toda Granja llevaron para criar, animalitos tales como gallinitas, ovejitas, cochinitos y hasta vacas lecheras; los padres de Yery mantenían parte de Granja sembrada de maíz, aguacates, mangos, plátanos, cambures, berenjenas, pimentones y tomates, Yery en cambio se dedicaba a pasear por toda granja sin hacer nada productivo, aun cuando su padre le pedían que se quedara a su lado y justamente por desobediente le sucedió que un día siendo muy temprano su padre lo llamó:

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-----Yery hijo buenos días, levántate de la cama para que juntos sembremos más matas de Tomate pues ya es hora de que abandonen el semillero---- Yery hizo caso omiso a las palabras de su padre, y volviendo la cara hacia el otro lado de la cama pensó en tomar su gomera y recoger algunas piedritas para poder practicar puntería con los sapitos, pero ¡oh…! tan pesado estaba el ánimo de levantarse de Yery, que cayó en un profundo sueño en donde creyó estar saltando entre los charquitos de Granja, y entre tanto charco y tanta humedad resbalo y al abrir los ojos sacudiendo la cabeza hacia los lados vio justo en frente de él un sapo de gran tamaño que con grandes ojos saltones le saludo...

-----Hola---- Yery se asustó y trato de levantarse torpemente pero sólo lo logro con la ayuda de otro sapito.

-----No te asustes----

Yery observó todo a su alrededor y logro comprobar que lo rodeaba un gran grupo de sapitos, pero estos sapitos eran SAPOTES del tamaño de Yery, y la grama que los rodeaban era mucho más grande que todos.

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------¿Qué llevas ahí? --- Pregunto un sapito muy sonriente, y Yery en un momento de nerviosismo rápido y vergonzoso escondió tras su espalda la gomera y las piedritas.


Fue entonces cuando un sapito de corta edad se las quito dando brinquitos para luego utilizarla lanzando piedritas sin mucha puntería, pegándole desordenadamente a todos durante la estancia, mientras seguían hablando con Yery.

------Mi nombre es Gran Sapo, ¿Y tú Quién eres?----

Asustando y esquivando piedritas a igual que todos Yery contesto...

-----Yo soy Yery, y no sé cómo llegue hasta acá----

------Eso no importa-----dijo un sapito llamado Pito; al momento Gran Sapo le interrumpió mientras se sobaba un muslo al recibir una pedrada...

-----Claro que importa Pito; y dirigiéndose a Yery.

-----Tú estás aquí porque te gusta lastimarnos ¿cierto?

-----No, no Señor----- Asombrado y temeroso Yery le respondió., mientras rodeándolo graciosamente Gran Sapo le indico que le siguiera con un dedo mientras le hablaba.


------Te mostraré quienes somos----- Y fue entonces cuando todos en Coro cantaron al ritmo de cuadrilla militar mientras seguían a gran Sapo por un hermoso recorrido entre los charcos:

Nosotros Somos lara lara,
unos Anfibios lara lara,
rechonchos saltones lara lara,
y grandes ojitos lara lara...
Con estas patotas lara lara,
brincamos bien alto lara lara,
y también nadamos lara lara,
entre los charquitos lara lara…

Interrumpiendo el canto Gran Sapo señaló...

-----Además somos muy importantes para el equilibrio ecológico, ¿sabes que significa eso?, Yery contesto con la cabeza afirmativamente con timidez...

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------Eso es algo así como mantener a la naturaleza evitando que exista más de una cosa o menos de otra- Todos los sapos le aplaudieron saltando a su alrededor mientras exclamaban....

------¡Bravo, bravo…! Eso le dio confianza A Yery, quien sonreía mientras esquivaban piedras, entonces Gran sapo intervino.

-----Con eso demuestras que sabes, ¿pero de que sirve saber si no pones en práctica tus buenos conocimientos?, Yery curioso de sus palabras le pregunto:

------Y ustedes Sr. Gran Sapo, ¿qué hacen por el Ecológico?, Gran Sapo sonrió y le respondió:

-----Querrás decir por el Equilibrio Ecológico... brinco de nuevo alrededor de Yery y nuevamente toditos comenzaron a cantar a ritmo de cuadrilla militar...

Me como la mosca lara lar,
me como el mosquito lara lara,
me como la araña lara lara,
también un coquito lara lara,
y viene Culebra lara lara,
y se come a sapito ¡ah...!

Esta última frase la gritaron mientras reían, Yery sonreía y preguntaba:

---- ¿Y por qué comen tantos animalitos?

----- La respuesta es fácil Yery, comemos lo justo para que no exista ni más ni menos de lo que la naturaleza necesita.

-----Ya entiendo, ¿por eso culebra se encarga de ustedes?,

-----¡Siiiii…! respondieron todos a la vez que Yery recibía una pedrada en la frente, cerro los ojos y al abrirlos despertó logrando ver que su padre cerraba la puerta de su habitación y reaccionando le dijo

-----Espera papá, creo que será mejor ir contigo ----- de un brinco salió de la cama tomo la gomera y la arrojó en la papelera y mientras se colocaba los zapatos se decía así mismo.

-----Si es por, mi desde ahora si habrá equilibrio---- de ese modo luego de lavarse la cara Yery corrió detrás de su padre para ayudarle en sus labores, mientras tanto un sapito le observaba desde la ventana de su cuarto croando sonriente.

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All the images were made by me in Canva


Hello everyone, there is a saying that goes: "by their fruits, you will know them", well here I leave you a story, made with love, fruit of my imagination. 😊

By Dayana Suárez


In a beautiful place called farm, lived a little boy of seven years old whose name was Yery, Yery was born in Granja, Granja was a territory made up of more than 100 blocks, can you imagine that, Granja was big, in it there were many streams, fruit plants and many flowers of multiple colors. During the rainy season, Granja seemed to be full of life, because little animals came from everywhere in search of water from the streams and from one or another puddle that formed in Granja because of the rain.

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You should know that Yery lived in the middle of Granja, in a modest house because his parents took care of Granja, they fed the animals that the owners of all Granja took to raise, animals such as chickens, sheep, piglets and even dairy cows; Yery's parents kept part of the farm planted with corn, avocados, mangoes, bananas, bananas, cambures, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, Yery instead was dedicated to walk around the farm without doing anything productive, even when his father asked him to stay by his side and just for disobedience it happened that one day being very early his father called him:

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----- Yery son, good morning, get out of bed so that together we can plant more tomato plants because it is time for them to leave the nursery---- Yery ignored his father's words, and turning his face to the other side of the bed thought of taking his rubber and pick up some pebbles to practice aiming with the little toads, but oh...! so heavy was Yery's mood to get up, that he fell into a deep sleep where he thought he was jumping between the puddles of Granja, and between so much puddle and so much humidity he slipped and when he opened his eyes shaking his head to the sides he saw right in front of him a big toad with big bulging eyes that greeted him....
----- Hello ---- Yery was frightened and tried to get up awkwardly but only with the help of another toad.

----- Don't be scared----

Yery looked around him and saw that he was surrounded by a large group of toads, but these toads were SAPOTES the size of Yery, and the grass around them was much bigger than all of them.

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------ What do you have there? --- asked a smiling frog, and Yery in a quick and embarrassed moment of nervousness hid behind his back the rubber band and the pebbles.

----- Nothing----

It was then when a young toad took them off, jumping up and down to use it to throw pebbles without much aim, hitting everyone messily during the stay, while they continued talking to Yery.

------ My name is Big Toad, and who are you? ----

Scared and dodging pebbles like everyone else, Yery answered...

----- I'm Yery, and I don't know how I got here----

------ That doesn't matter----- said a little toad named Pito; at that moment Gran Sapo interrupted him while he was rubbing his thigh after receiving a stone...

----- Of course it matters Pito; and turning to Yery.

----- You are here because you like to hurt us, right?

----- No, no Sir----- Amazed and fearful Yery answered him, while surrounding him gracefully Gran Sapo indicated him to follow him with a finger while he was talking to him.


------ I'll show you who we are----- And that's when everyone in Coro sang to the rhythm of a military quadrille as they followed the great Sapo through a beautiful journey through the puddles:

We are lara lara,
lara lara lara amphibians,
chubby little lara lara lara..,
and big-eyed lara lara lara...
With these lara lara lara legs,
we jump high lara lara lara,
and we also swim lara lara lara,
among the little puddles lara lara lara...

Interrupting the chant Gran Sapo pointed out....

----- Besides, we are very important for the ecological balance, do you know what that means, Yery answered with a shy nod of the head in the affirmative?

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------ That's kind of like keeping nature from having more of one thing or less of another. All the toads applauded him by jumping around him while exclaiming....

------ Excellent, Excellent...! That gave confidence to Yery, who smiled as they dodged stones, then Big Toad intervened.

----- With that you show that you know, but what good is knowing if you do not put into practice your good knowledge, Yery curious of his words asked him:

------ And you Mr. Big Toad, what do you do for the Ecological, Big Toad smiled and answered him:

----- You mean for the Ecological Equilibrium? He jumped again around Yery and once again everyone started to sing at the rhythm of a military band...

I eat the lara lara fly,
I eat the lara lara lara mosquito,
I eat the spider lara lara lara,
also a coquito lara lara lara,
and comes Culebra lara lara lara,
and eats the toad, ah...!

This last sentence was shouted while they laughed, Yery smiled and asked:

---- And why do they eat so many little animals?

----- The answer is easy Yery, we eat just enough so that there is no more or less than nature needs.

----- I get it, that's why culebra takes care of you,

-----¡Yes...! they all answered at the same time that Yery received a stone in the forehead, he closed his eyes and when he opened them he woke up and saw that his father was closing the door of his room and reacting he said to him

----- Wait dad, I think I'd better go with you ----- jumped out of bed took the rubber band and threw it in the wastebasket and while putting on his shoes he said to himself.

----- If it's for me from now on there will be balance---- so after washing his face Yery ran after his father to help him with his chores, meanwhile a little toad was watching him from the window of his room croaking smiling.

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All the images were made by me in Canva

gracias una vez mas por leerme.gif


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