EXISTING BUT NOT LIVING- existential questions about finding purpose

in #hive-15385010 months ago
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Correct me if i'm wrong, but I feel like the major factor responsible for sadness, low self-worth or even depression is mostly a lack of purpose, i'm not oblivious to the fact that there are other things that causes these conditions but i'll say what tops that list for me would be a lack of purpose, aimlessly strolling through life with zero Sense of direction, having no idea about what you're here for, that feeling of aimlessness can be so frustating you constantly ask the question "what's the point of my existence?".


I have battled with finding my purpose all my life and still battling with it, the question about why i'm truly on this earth is a regular on my mind and it constantly bugs me, it's sad that like a fairly used product we didn't come to this would with the instruction manual, God gave us so much free will he said " go into the world and figure it out yourself".

If everything happens for a reason then Finding my purpose has left me with a few questions about my existence like is there a point to me seeing another break of dawn? Am I on this earth because God got tired of seeing my face up there?? Why was i born to the parents I have? Was i just born to live survive and die? Why did I come to this world as a male?


Am I here to make a difference or am I here to support someone who's going to make a difference?, am I the star of the show or just an extra? Pondering and wondering about these questions without any tangible answer has put me in a state of uncertainty, a state of dilemma, a sad state I might even call it a state of entropy, questioning my every move if it's in line with my purpose, that is if I even have one, Another mind bugging question is do we just have one sole purpose on this earth or are there series of purposes we are meant to achieve?.


Say you've even done something you felt was your purpose, who validates it and let's you know truly that was your purpose?? Or perhaps finding my purpose is my purpose, I know it sounds quite silly but it bugs my mind a lot, I feel restless not having answers to these questions.
Not having any clue about my purpose or purposes just makes me feel like i'm only existing not living, I feel like an imposter.

How then do we find this purpose???

Well, according to the internet, one way to find purpose is to identify your core values. Your values are the things that matter most to you, and they can guide you towards activities and goals that align with who you are and what you want to achieve.

Another way to find purpose is to focus on your strengths and passions. When you do something you're good at and enjoy you're more likely to feel fulfilled and energized. Your strengths are the things that come naturally to you, and they can be a great source of motivation and purpose. Likewise, your passions are the things that excite and inspire you, and pursuing them can give your life a sense of meaning and fulfillment.


Do I agree with the internet?, I wouldn't say I completely do, I believe the concept of purpose spans deeper and wider than just doing something you enjoy or are good at, some people are good at stealing, does that make stealing their purpose, oh what about serial killers who enjoy killing people?? Well, they won't call killing their purpose would they? (I leave you to ponder on that).

Well, there is no formula for finding this "purpose", I guess it's more of a perspective thing, if you feel like you've found yours, I would appreciate you letting us know how you did it and how you knew what your purpose was. I do appreciate you reading till the very end, Thank you.


I agree with the internet. Life is a quirk of nature, but it has no feelings or plans for us. That's why the purpose of life is what you set out to do with it.

Hmm....So in other words, we decide what our purpose is by what we choose to do with our lives??, That's quite the perspective.

Finding purpose at times makes our journey in life easier. We already have target, we just have to incline our ways with our purpose.