in #hive-1230463 years ago

Today is what I'll call "free day" or as my mother says "taking time off".

This is a term we use to describe those days that we just want to enjoy little things no matter how insignificant. It's a period of total connection and absolute avoidance.

Connection to the things of life– unmaterialistic and tune in to nature or Spiritual things. Things that bring peace to the soul. No worries, no stress just the knowledge that I'm alive and can do things most can't.

A time of total gratitude and appreciation to the Father (God) for making all things. It always feels like I'm floating during such periods. No hurry, no guilt, no depression, just absolute peace and humility– humble to acknowledge that the world is so big, I'm so small yet I have everything I need.

In the Bible, it's called Thanksgiving or Praise, but some others call it "soul-gratification".


It started with a trip to the Salon. My hair needed to be taken care of. Tomorrow is Sunday and I have come to dislike wigs or hair extensions. Is it a phase? I prefer moving around with my natural hair braided back.

Maybe it's adapting or change? I don't know. I just don't accept the idea of spending about 5000 ($10) on my hair anymore. Maybe I can't afford it? Nah. I have enough money to make about five wigs and not feel it (and that's like 10x the amount to make my hair) but I can't explain this need to just be holled up in my room, reading or watching anime or perhaps eating.

I could be inside for two weeks without caring for what's happening beyond the doors of my home. When I leave, I'm itching to go back in. Nothing pulls me out of my house unless it's urgent.


Like School. I finally completed the semester's registration. School starts in full swing come Monday, which means I won't have time for many other things. I am determined however to maximize my time well enough to allocate attention to school, Hive and mum's business. I pretty much help mom every morning now. That's the only thing that takes me out each day.

From the Salon, I decided to get a few things from the local market. Since the demolition, things have been scattered over here. However, it's been long since then and people naturally organized themselves.



My place is not filled with nature. The Harmattan just makes things worse with the dust and haze. Still, it's a place I've come to love due to the bustling and hustling. You can find anything here (almost anything). I finally decided to get a coconut and dates. Coconut is rich in fibre and seems to douse my sugar cravings. Dates are sweet and go melodiously well when eaten with Coconut. A secret: tigernut juice, dates, bananas and watermelon boost libido. A natural way to stay healthy too.


Along the way, I got carrots too. I'm fond of chewing on them. You can call me a rabbit 🐇. Lol. But they are the most tastiest when eaten as snacks.


For filling, I got Awara. This is prepared from Soybean and other local ingredients. I like flavor so I bought the one soaked in vegetable sauce. The veggies consist of green peas, spring onions, carrots, pepper and tomatoes. It was soooo good!


Now, I'm in my room, biting on carrots while I write this with enough water beside me. Water is essential for good health and aids digestion.

All through, I switched between Enya's Carribean Blue and Petit Biscuit's Sunset Lover. Those songs have a natural flow to them making you feel a little connected.


I also got new studs. I've always preferred studs to any other designs of jewelry. It's easy to manage and very affordable. I got this one at about 50 bucks (I think 5cents?). All in all I spent almost 1000 (about $2) from my time in the salon to the snacks I bought.

What did you do today?


All images belong to me taken with my phone


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It's been a stressful Saturday for me here. Starting from laundry, cleaning then to the market after which I entered kitchen and made different soup and stew. Planned to take care of my hair too but no way, no time. Enjoy your weekend Deraa!


Hola. I'm sorry dear
It's not easy when you have responsibilities. I'm spared for now cos I'm single and very much not a mother. I'm sure that'll all change soon😂

I wish you strength and good health in all your endeavors

Thank you 😊

Wow.. it's like someone is gonna need more of books from tomorrow, lols.. we just droped the last paper for our first semester exams and as it is now, am doing so much the cool off aspect🥰🥰
While you kick start "irony of Life sha"
Wish you less stressful semester ok @deraaa

Lol. This is my second semester dear. By July... I'd be rounding up from that school...🤭

Wo wo wo..
Pardon moi, didn't note I was talking to a graduate to be..
All the same wish ya Goodluck babe🙌💙

It's all good... 😆🤧