Not So Real...

in #hive-1106029 days ago

Photo by nappy from Pexels

We experience the unreasonable conditions set by people with their very unrealistic expectations. As human beings, we are entitled to our belief systems and our view of the world. We are allowed to think our own thoughts and hold on to our ideals. Yet, I have come across certain ideals and expectations that are, for the lack of a better word, questionable.

I have come across certain people who feel rather entitled to the wealth made by someone else. Someone feels it is okay to maltreat a person just because his father is this or his brother is that. Some feel it is their right to have a share of whatever money you make because they are your family. What puzzles me most is how they villainize people who do not please their whims. You are expected to give and keep giving; they only remember you when they have trouble.

One other thing I find funny comes from expectations within dating life. I hear silly notions like, ‘if he doesn’t own a house, drive a car and a millionaire, he is not worth my time’. Funny how the ones who go around spreading this stupid standard barely have enough to get by. I am not saying one should not want to be with an accomplished person, it becomes wrong when you begin to feed young unsuspecting girls this mindset, making them feel like they deserve the whole world at their feet when it is not true.

On the other hand, we have some men expecting their ideal woman to be ‘Miss Perfect’. It does not make sense that you expect a woman who you claim to care for to always give 100 percent. It does not make sense that you are always expecting her to be 100 when you yourself have your 20 and 50 days. She is human; judging her based on what the world tells or shows you is just… stupid. Asking a woman what she brings to the table (thanks to the rubbish you’ve been fed from social media alpha males) is bullshit. However, I will not be the one to tell you why. Go read about it.

Photo by Yan Krukau from Pexels

Making easy money. The way the youths of this generation expect to make money as soon as they can understand the word SEE is alarming. No patience, no substance and yet they want to be valued and feel they deserve everything. I remember making plans of how I will own my house and car at age 25; I am two years shy of that age. I know it will happen but I have decided not to be impatient about it. Life and success is a journey, I hope to take it one day at a time.

I believe that friendship is important and necessary in this thing we call life. We make friends and later evolve, so I find it very unrealistic that you expect me to still have time for everything with you when I am growing and trying to understand life myself. It does not make sense that I am now the ‘bad guy’ for doing what you cannot. Snoop Dog gave a good example when he demonstrated that as one rises to a certain part of their life, they could not come down to suit your ego. Either you rise with them, or you watch them go.

This is my entry to the 21st Day of the August INLEO monthly initiative in the HiveNaija Community.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


When we talk about relationships, there are so many unrealistic expectations around that end just like you mentioned, some men except 100 percent from a woman when they are nowhere close to that thus bring unnecessary drama in relationships. A lot of delulu in our society today but taking things one step at a time looks better. Expectations can be healthy when we set realistic one , it could be a motivation for us to do better

Your comment always gives me joy mama. You know how to take hammer and gbam! You hit it well. Thank God you see it. As me I’m not married, I’m told I don’t know anything about relationship 😂

The tables shaken her😂😂😂😂

Which tables sir?😅

Kids of today, they expect everything and they expect it now.

They expect everything and they expect it by expending no effort.

Take Hive and this post as an example.

They expect loads of rewards yet won't even engage on Hive.

Oh my goodness! This Bl(o)unt old man! You’re such a… lol

Shouldn’t you be in bed old man? 👨‍🦳

Such a what...
And who says I amn't

Such a nice guy…
Are you though? 🌚


Meee... I thought so

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