Things never seems to amaze me, there's this lady that I like her appearance she is always very need all the time, I most not lie I do admire her sha,
So I was previllage to be in her house today but the surprise thing I sow shocked me hmmm, this lady her environment was like it has reached some days without sweeping and her bedroom was very scattered, and she was well dressed ready to go out.
I never new it was her house until I sow her because it was a friend of mine that said I should see her off, so seeing her was a great surprise, so when she sow my friend she was very happy she even offered us some drinks and snacks but we both refuse.
But there's is one good thing that my friend did that makes me to respect her the more, she told that lady that I do admirer the trued before her face on how she is very dirty with her environment, keeping her body clean without keeping her environment clean is also dangerous.
She was able to educate her on keeping her environment clean which in returns she really appreciate her advice towards her, even though the lady clam she is a busy type that is why she doesn't have thi time for her environment.
Thank you @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture @resonatore