A lot of times you trust the people around you. Like you think people are good and they end up backstabbing you. The way things work is that everybody is extremely selfish and they are kind of forced to put up a mask over their face to look good till they can scam you or backstab you.
Which goes to show that world is kind of rigged and you are supposed to clear your way every step of the way. You are supposed to avoid manipulation by not playing by some rules and then breaking some of them to make the life easier for yourself.
How to avoid manipulation? Create a distance. Say you are manipulated by a family. You have to create a distance with the family and make sure to not tempt into their sweet talks and the stuff that would get you into manipulation. Creating distance is one of the ways a lot of bad manipulation can be overcome.
Second thing make sure to have a higher ground. People below you manipulate if you lack the power. If you gain the power then you would not be manipulated. And another thing is something you have to understand in the right order for the way people manipulate each other, that part you have to learn over a period of time. Find out the parts where they choose to manipulate you.
Third thing, find out all the previous patterns and the present patterns for the manipulation. As long as they choose to manipulate you on those patterns. You have to learn to avoid them. And when you do it kind of becomes easy for you to build over. In short the pattern is what we seek and another part is acting on the same.
Points to take away.
- Find the pattern of manipulation.
- Break the pattern.
- Create distance. Create silence.
- Avoid argument. Avoid point of contact.
In short, you do the things that build you it kind of builds your life without getting manipulated. This is how anyone would develop their life and avoid the bad people who manipulate.