“EN-ES” - Les cuento la historia de mi ex... (Disk2 -Track 2: Mi ex)

in #hive-1457969 months ago

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Hola Hivers. La historia de esta canción se remonta aproximadamente al 2017/2018, momento en el que yo terminaba la relación más tóxica de mi vida. Tal vez por aquella conciencia tan clara de que debía finalizar el vínculo mi ex no lo tomaría para nada bien. Durante las siguientes semanas me pidió reiteradas veces que le devolviera sus cosas. Traté de hacerlo mediante un amigo en común, pero justo estaba de vacaciones. Otro amigo que teníamos dentro de ese mismo edificio también se encontraba vacacionando. Ante las insistencias y las ganas que tenía de terminar todo de una vez por todas cedí a llevárselas yo personalmente, ajustándome a su horario y día de preferencia. Cómo iba a saber que la persona con la que había intimado tanto iba a tenderme semejante trampa mortal? La sensación de que a uno lo quieran o lo cuiden solo cuando se lo tiene genera un vacío existencial bastante fuerte. Lo primero que me dice la susodicha al visualizarla es que me había visto salir en unas historias de instagram con unas chicas y unos amigos, a lo que contesté que realmente de haberlo hecho no tenía la menor trascendencia y que yo seguía triste y lógicamente de duelo. Ella retrucó “ Ah bueno, yo sí estoy estoy saliendo con alguien”. Le contesté que que bueno que pudiera renacer como el fénix con tanta facilidad de un día para el otro y que deseaba que le vaya bien. No obstante la señorita continuó : “ Asi es, y es alguien que vos conocés por cierto”. Ya más molesto dije ok, y quien es el señorito? Ahí comenzó un tira y afloje cubierto de hipocresía y de sus deseosas ganas de decirme el nombre. Finalmente sin la necesidad de hacer tanto acting me dice: “Es Fino”. Se refería a Adrián, un tipo casado que habíamos visto un par de veces el cual ella me recalcaba siempre que se le proclamaba cada tanto. El sujeto me caía bien por cierto. Ella obviamente para pisarme en el piso decidió decir que ahora me largara ya que el amado Adri se encontraba a una cuadra de distancia. Yo a contracorriente y dispuesto a iniciar la guerra decidí saludarlo. Recordemos que a mi el siempre me cayó bien, asi que por qué no? Evidentemente ella nunca esperó esta vuelta de rosca, durante una cuadra me decía no te atrevas, no sigas, y discutíamos y nos gritábamos sin parar hasta darnos de frente con Adri, dicho sea de paso se encontraba mudo ante la situación. Decidí saludarlo y recalcar que el debía cuidar de mi ex especialmente, que realmente era un ser que necesitaba muchísimos cuidados. El con una mezcla de ansiedad, acelere, confusión y cierta buena onda asintió múltiples veces con la cabeza diciendo: Sí man, la voy a re cuidar!! A lo que ella estalló en lágrimas deciéndo que yo era un hijo de mala madre. Destrozado y ya habiendo obtenido el ojo por ojo y diente por diente tomé el colectivo. Recuerdo que al sentir tanto dolor físico, mi pecho en respuesta emanó la canción subida. Me vino con letra entera, con intro, verso, estribillo, break, solo, outro y todos los componentes pertinentes. Fue como una respuesta de supervivencia, una cosa tragicómica que me permitía reirme con lágrimas en los ojos. Podía racionalizar la situación. Dado mi estado no podía siquiera acercarme a un piano, pero estuvo sonando en mi mente todo ese viaje de vuelta a casa. Me limité a agarrar mi celular y a cantarla de principio a fin para poder grabarla cuando me sintiera repuesto. Básicamente vomité la canción luego del hecho ocurrido. Con ustedes, sin más preámbulo… mi ex. Esto encarna el pensamiento masoquista que cada ser humano del mundo ha tenido inevitablemente. La puesta en escena del ridículo macho herido en su ego.
Agradezco a Ludmila, Alexia y Camila por haber hecho el clip a pura garra y corazón sin que les pague un solo mango❤️🙏👏
It is the second track from the second album by Divino Beats: like Perres and Gates.

Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí! Seguimos en contacto para todo lo que se viene. Los saluda Yanni de Divino Beats.




Videoclip inédito compartido exclusivamente en Hive nunca antes subido a otras plataformas siendo 3speak la única en tenerlo.


The story of this song dates back to approximately 2017/2018, when I was ending the most toxic relationship of my life. Maybe because of that clear awareness that I had to end the relationship, my ex wouldn't take it well at all. Over the next few weeks he repeatedly asked me to give him his things back. I tried to do it through a mutual friend, but he was just on vacation. Another friend we had inside that same building was also vacationing. Given the insistence and the desire I had to finish everything once and for all, I gave in to take them personally, adjusting to their preferred time and day. How was I supposed to know that the person I had become so intimate with was going to set such a death trap for me? The feeling that one is loved or cared for only when one has one generates a quite strong existential void. The first thing the aforementioned woman told me when I viewed it was that she had seen me appear in some Instagram stories with some girls and some friends, to which I replied that really, if I had done so it had no significance at all and that I was still sad and logically grieving. . She replied, “Oh well, I am dating someone.” I replied that it was good that he could be reborn as the phoenix so easily from one day to the next and that I wished him well. [12:50, 16/1/2024] Divino Avatar: However, the young lady continued: “That's right, and it's someone you know by the way.” Already more annoyed, I said ok, and who is the young man? There began a tug of war covered in hypocrisy and his eager desire to tell me his name. Finally, without the need to do so much acting, he tells me: “It's Fine.” She was referring to Adrián, a married guy we had seen a couple of times, whom she always emphasized to me when he was proclaimed from time to time. I liked the guy by the way. Obviously, to step on me on the floor, she decided to tell me to get out now since my beloved Adri was a block away. Going against the current and ready to start the war, I decided to greet him. Let's remember that I always liked him, so why not? Evidently she never expected this turn of events, for a block she told me don't you dare, don't continue, and we argued and yelled at each other without stopping until we came face to face with him. aforementioned Adri, by the way, was speechless in the face of the situation. I decided to greet him and emphasize that he should take special care of my ex, who really was a being who needed a lot of care. With a mixture of anxiety, speed, confusion and a certain good vibes, he nodded his head multiple times saying: Yes man, I'm going to take care of her again!! To which she burst into tears saying that I was a bad mother's son. Destroyed and having already obtained an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth I took the bus. I remember that when I felt so much physical pain, my chest in response emanated the loud song. It came to me with full lyrics, with intro, verse, chorus, break, solo, outro and all the relevant components. It was like a survival response, a tragicomic thing that allowed me to laugh with tears in my eyes. I could rationalize the situation. Given my condition, I couldn't even go near a piano, but it was playing in my mind that entire trip home. I just grabbed my cell phone and sang it from beginning to end so I could record it when I felt recovered. I basically threw up the song after the fact. With you, without further ado… my ex. This embodies the masochistic thinking that every human being in the world has inevitably had. The staging of the ridiculous macho, wounded in his ego.
I thank Ludmila, Alexia and Camila for having made the clip with pure determination and heart without paying them a single penny❤️🙏👏
It is the second track from the second album by Divino Beats: like Perres and Gates.

Thank you for having come this far! We stay in touch for everything that is coming. Greetings from Yanni from Divino Beats.




Unreleased video clip shared exclusively on Hive, never before uploaded to other platforms, with 3speak being the only one to have it.

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