Sunday Challenge: Describe your church without saying its name

in #hive-153850 β€’ 2 years ago

Yes, you heard me well .. Describe your church without saying its name. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

"How on earth is that even possible, how can you describe something without saying its name?" Its very much possible.. Well that why we are called writers .. Being creative is a gift .. Practice it .. Here's my description.. After which, i would want you, yes you reading this now to describe yours too.

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My description
With an estimate of over 80 million members around the world, my church stands as the third largest christian communion in the world. The faith of my church is often considered a reformed Catholicism, a hybrid between the Catholic and Protestant faiths. My church is no other thing than a place of worship. There, we worship, praise and adore the maker, creator of the entire universe, the one and only true God, he who was and is to come, the mighty God, omnipresence, omnipotent, and omniscience God. Words cannot fully describe the nature of God because he is everything to us.

My church was founded in the year 1867 in London, by Charles Longley. With headquarters in London and England, my church was officially and formally organised and recognised as such at the Lambeth Conference in 1867 which happened in London under the leadership of Charles Longley, who happens to be the Archbishop of Canterbury. The churches of my church consider themselves to be part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, and to be both catholic and reformed.

That's all though, let me not bore you with history ... Lol

The Sunday Challenge proper

Describe your church in the comment box below and let someone guess the name of your church, if its catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal, winners, deeper life, chosen etc .. If someone guess it right, you are a good writer.. Someone should also guess mine πŸ˜‚.. Lemme know if me sef that is writing is a good writer .. Lol πŸ˜‚

Disclaimer: the ability for someone to guess wrongly doesn't make you a bad writer though. This challenge is just to measure how creative and detailed we are in description.

Happy sunday Y'all
From the stables of divplanet

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It has to be Anglican church with several diocese

Yea.. You guessed right