Why lash your anger out on other people - your advice is needed

in #hive-1538503 years ago

Sometimes, we get very angry and frustrated that we want to let it out on everyone and everything we see. Its actually very wrong, because you can hurt other people with what you say or do.

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There is this man, he happened to be my school project supervisor. I have been trying to contact him all to no avail. I have called and called and called. He doesn't pick calls, he doesn't reply messages and he is not always on seat. I have been trying to reach him but to no avail. I called him to the extent that his daughter would pick the call and tell me that he wasn't around. The next time, it would be his son. I told them to send a message to their father but i don't think they did that. Been doing this for a while now till i got tired. So i stopped calling and i stopped going to his office.

I went to his office the other day and like always, he wasn't around. I met with his representative. He first painted my face with the accusation that i am not serious and that i haven't been trying to reach the man. I got very angry. He asked me to pay a huge amount of money, else i would fail the course, which is actually a project defence.

Today, with my good mind, i went to the mans office, only to receive the greatest insult and allegation of my life. The man said that i have been "vandalising his name" he said "i was going around telling people that he has not been coming to office and doing his work" he also said that i have "the worst home training. He said his son is 10times better than me and he also said that i am very insultive, rude and stupid" after that, he walked me out of his office without letting me say a word. He said i will repeat the section.

From what i heard, someone reported him to the head of department, saying that his is inaccessible. That must have been why he was angry, but why lash it out on me. I have done noting to him. This is absolute wickedness.

We can get angry, yes but lashing it out on others can be very toxic. After the incident. I haven't been myself. Now i am left with two options ... Because the man said he would fail me and i would repeat the section.

My only two options is;

To either pay the huge amount of money so the other guy would beg him .. Or take the issue up to the head of department.

Today, i need your advice.. What should i do?? .. Because i am loosing my mind 🤒


Sorry to hear about the bad situation, i would advise you to report Him to the head of the department. If the head is good man then he will definitely be on your side and he will punish the bad actor.

Thanks for the good advice friend 😇