What are your expectations from your future life partner?
We all know money can't buy love but money contains the power to influence love life. Every parent has a dream that their children have all the wonderful things in life. Just like that, it's ok for a person to look for a suitable partner who can provide the life standard they want.
Social Acceptance:
As the old saying is "First impression, is the last impression."
It is subjectively correct but still, you need to be within your partner's close circle to take your first step. If you are in your partner's workplace, study place, and other social circles, your chance to get accepted by your partner is highly increased. In some parts of the world elders still decide the future of younger people. You might not able to be socially accepted and marry the love of your life if those elders reject you. In this case, your love can't do anything about it. To increase your chances to be in the same social circle as your partner or to increase your chances to be accepted by elders, money plays an important role. Money can't talk to elders or society to accept this partnership but money does have a lot of influence when society decides who to accept socially.
If you really think 7.96 approx people are the same then you might find yourself wrong sooner or later. To understand the psychology of your partner, you might need Education. We already know by now that institutional education is not everything and institutes are not the only way to define education. Knowledge is a broader term and with every passing second, we are in a continuous state of learning whether it's good things or bad things. Having money have higher chances to boost the quality of education you consume and making you more knowledgeable.
Let's take a scenario:
You are on a date with your partner with the intentions to become a life partner if you like each other. You might reject this person although you love him/her because you are independent of your partner financially. You are also aware that your partner can't afford the education standard which you want for your next generation. In this case, Although you love each other but money became a cause of failure in Love.
Vehicle is a minor factor as it can be gifted or bought by both. Maybe you can't afford to gift your partner a vehicle but you can't adjust without it too. What is seen is sold. Most partners already have an image of the perfect partner in mind. A lot of them also fantasize about the type of vehicle their partner should have. As said above 7.96 approx are not the same, If you want your odds to increase then the vehicle should be on your list to have. Money can of course provide assistance in getting you a vehicle. He/She is not a gold digger, it's normal to wish for a suitable lifestyle.
Taking care of your body is a good sign for your partner. Every part of your body requires care. You can apply shampoo and conditioner to take care of your hair or toothpaste for your teeth. It's up to you, how you wanna take care of your body and how much time and money you are willing to invest into it. You might wanna consider oral care since most people don't wanna be partnered with bad mouth breath people. Hygiene is indeed important in a relationship and you need cash for that.
Stable Income:
Hustlers might need to reconsider to gain a little bit of stability in income. People usually don't like too volatile income especially when it's below the household budget. If you want to increase the chance of your partner saying yes then don't be a gambler and find stability compare to expenses for a stable relationship.
Financial BackUp:
You would lose your job in the future or worse what if something happened to you? A government job with a good pension plan is preferred by many partners and society. Trends are changing now and we can get the same financial backup with dividend-paying assets, price appreciating assets, or simply by insurance. Build your portfolio according to your needs. Having a strong financial backup also helps in increasing your odds.
If you think some points are missing which are influenced by money then do let me know in the comments! Who knows, Maybe I will make a part 2.