San Miguel del Llano Church, Merida - Venezuela. ENG-ESP

in #hive-1787082 years ago

Isometric view - San Miguel del Llano Church

Greetings to all dear friends, I hope this week will be very productive for all of you. Today I want to share with you some pictures of an iconic church in downtown Merida, an architectural work that deserves to be admired. This is the San Miguel del Llano church.
Un saludo a todos queridos amigos, espero que esta semana sea muy productiva para todos. El día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas fotografías de una iglesia icono del centro de la Ciudad de Mérida, una obra arquitectónica que merece ser admirada. Se trata de la iglesia San Miguel del Llano.

This beautiful structure is located at 3 Independencia Avenue in front of the Plaza El Llano, Merida, Venezuela. This place is quite commercial, in its surroundings are located a number of shops and one of the most important funeral parlors in the city. It is a very visited place by tourists and merideños because right in front of it is a very special ice cream shop, which has a guinees record for having more than 1000 flavors of ice cream, called the Coromoto Ice Cream Parlor.
Esta bella estructura queda ubicada en la Av. 3 Independencia al frente de la Plaza el llano, Mérida, Venezuela. Este lugar es bastante comercial, a sus alrededores quedan ubicados una serie de locales comerciales y uno de los salones velatorios más importantes de la ciudad. Es un lugar muy visitado por los turistas y merideños pues justo al frente queda una heladería muy especial, que tiene un record guinees por disponer de más de 1000 sabores de helados, llamada la Heladería Coromoto.

Coromoto ice cream parlor, with the beautiful Sierra Nevada in the background.

View of some of the peaks that make up the Sierra Nevada from Plaza el Llano

Since I was a child, it was very common to go for an ice cream and enjoy it in the square, El llano, admiring the incredible view of the snow-capped mountains and this beautiful church that cannot go unnoticed. However, some time ago I wanted to visit it again, but it is always closed, besides I have noticed how it has progressively deteriorated, something that is really regrettable, since it represents a heritage for the region.
Desde niña, era muy común ir por un helado y disfrutarlo en la plaza, El llano, admirando la increíble vista de la sierra nevada y esta hermosa iglesia que no puede pasar desapercibida. Sin embargo, hace tiempo quiero visitarla de nuevo, pero siempre está cerrada, además he notado como se ha deteriorado progresivamente, algo que es realmente lamentable, ya que representa un patrimonio para la región.

Historically, it is known that the original church was destroyed in the earthquake of 1812, later a new temple was rebuilt around 1841, with all the characteristics of colonial architecture, which also collapsed due to the rains. It was not until 1930 that the construction of the new church was completed, which as you can see is inspired by the neo-gothic style. I particularly love this architectural style, I consider it to be very decorative, with many details that make any structure fantastic.
Históricamente, se conoce que la iglesia original fue destruida en el terremoto de 1812, posteriormente reconstruyeron un nuevo templo alrededor de 1841, con todas las características de la arquitectura colonial, el cual también fue derrumbado producto de las lluvias. Es hasta 1930 que culmina la construcción de la nueva iglesia, que como pueden ver está inspirada en el estilo neogótico. Particularmente me encanta este estilo arquitectónico, considero que es muy decorativo, con muchos detalles que hacen fantástica cualquier estructura.

Main facade

This church has a cross-shaped floor plan and has three naves, inside you can also see that this style prevails, it has beautiful circular columns and large arches, it is also illuminated by beautiful spans in ogival covered by stained glass windows that combine perfectly. As I said, I have not been lucky enough to find it open recently, so I can only share this couple of old photos I found in my gallery, which I took about 05 years ago, during a family celebration. I would love to know the current state of the interior and share it with you.
Esta iglesia tiene una planta en forma de cruz y cuenta con tres naves, en su interior también se puede apreciar que prevalece este estilo, posee hermosas columnas circulares y grandes arcos, además está iluminada por hermosos vanos en ojival cubiertos por vitrales que conjugan perfectamente. Como dije, no he tenido la suerte de encontrarla abierta recientemente, así que solo puedo compartir este par de fotos algo viejas que encontré en mi galería, las cuales tome alrededor de unos 05, años atrás, durante una celebración familiar. Me encantaría conocer el estado actual del interior y compartirlo con ustedes.


Interior view showing the influence of the neogothic style.

In the main facade we can observe three ogival openings that give access to each of the naves, the central opening stands out from the others and above it is the tower that overlooks the bell tower, which ends with a dome in the shape of an elongated pyramid that culminates with an iron cross. This tower has beautiful details and a small balcony. Days after my visit I found out that one of the balconies had collapsed, perhaps due to the heavy rains that have fallen in recent weeks.
En la fachada principal podemos observar tres vanos en ojival que da acceso a cada una de las naves, el vano central sobresale de las demás y sobre él se encuentra la torre que da al campanario, el cual termina con una cúpula en forma de pirámide alargada que culmina con una cruz de hierro. Esta torre posee hermosos detalles y un pequeño balcón. Días después de mi visita me enteré de que uno de los balcones se había desplomado, tal vez debido a las intensas lluvias que han caído en las últimas semanas.




Beautiful bell tower.

In the lateral facade there is also an access and 5 windows that maintain the same shape in ogival, with beautiful rosettes, we can also appreciate the dome that is over the altar. Very beautiful of pyramidal form, surrounded by decorative parapets all around.
En la fachada lateral también existe un acceso y 5 ventanas que mantienen la misma forma en ojival, con hermosos rosetones, también podemos apreciar la cúpula que está sobre el altar. Muy hermosa de forma piramidal, rodeado de antepechos decorativos en todo su alrededor.



Side view. Beautiful windows influenced by the neo-Gothic style.

From the rear facade we can also appreciate this dome that looks like a crown and on the wall we see some decorative elements and how some areas protrude, creating an interesting effect of lines.
Desde la fachada posterior también podemos apreciar esta cúpula que parece una corona y en la pared vemos algunos elementos decorativos y como algunas áreas sobresalen, creado un efecto de líneas interesante.



Rear view. Beautiful details influenced by the neo-Gothic style.

This beautiful church needs corrective and preventive maintenance, to prolong its useful life span, observe signs of moisture and leaks in its walls. It is noticeable detachment of the coating in some areas and in most of the decorative elements. Its doors are totally deteriorated. All this makes me suspect that the roof covering is probably also in the same condition. I hope that soon the entities in charge of this religious institution will carry out a restoration project and that it can be preserved for much longer.
Esta bella iglesia necesita mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo, para prolongar su periodo de vida útil, logre observar en sus paredes señales de humedad y filtraciones. Se nota desprendimiento del revestimiento en algunas áreas y en la mayoría de los elementos decorativos. Sus puertas están totalmente deterioradas. Todo esto me hace intuir que la cubierta de techo seguramente también se encuentre en iguales condiciones. Espero que pronto los entes a quien les compete esta institución religiosa realicen un proyecto de restauración y se pueda conservar por mucho más tiempo.

This shows us how important it is to carry out preventive maintenance on a regular basis; it is the only way to prolong the useful life of any civil work, to preserve a great architectural work such as this one, which is part of the history of the region. I hope that more conservationist measures will be adopted so that this does not happen in the other churches that are very well preserved at the moment.
Esto nos deja ver el papel tan importante que juega la realización de mantenimientos preventivos de forma periódica, es la única forma de prolongar la vida útil de cualquier obra civil, de conservar una gran obra arquitectónica como esta, que forma parte de la historia de la región. Espero que se adopten más medidas conservacionistas para que no pase esto en las otras iglesias que para el momento están muy bien conservadas.


Evident deterioration of the church.


I hope that my publication has been to your liking, I will be sharing some buildings of my region that call my attention, in the next book, I will consolidate part of the information regarding this beautiful temple.Architect Francisco Sesto Novás, Catalog of Venezuelan Cultural Heritage 2004-2006 - Los Andes Region, Libertador Municipality. ME 06, Ministry of Culture . Available in pdf format

Espero que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado, estaré compartiendo algunas edificaciones de mi región que llamen mi atención. En el siguiente libro, consolide parte de la información referente a este hermoso templo. Arquitecto Francisco Sesto Novás, Catalogo del Patrimonio Cultural Venezolano 2004-2006 – Región los Andes, Municipio Libertador, Ministerio de la Cultura. Disponible en formato PDF


My language is Spanish so I use the translator DeepL, in its free version, the images were taken by me with my Siragon camera and the ones of the interior with my phone.

Mi idioma es el español por tanto uso el traductor DeepL, en su versión gratuita, las imagenes fueron tomadas por mi, con mi camara Siragon y las del interior con mi telefono .

Navy and Pink Floral Wedding Brunch Facebook Cover.jpg


How are you dear friend @doriangel good day
What a beautiful church, I love the beautiful details of the facade, the interior design is very nice, the columns and arches give a beautiful finish to the interior
I appreciate that you let us know all this information and the beautiful collection of images
have a beautiful day

Very good and you, how are you? Thanks for stopping by to read my post. It is very nice and full of details. I have been wanting to share it for a long time. Hopefully soon I will find it open to see the current state of its interior.have a beautiful day

What an architectural religious gem you have in Mérida, dear @doriangel!
Every time I visit neo-Gothic cathedrals I am amazed by their majestic structure and excessive decoration, as is the case with this temple as well. It is a pity that it is not well maintained (such a common phenomenon in my country too 😌)
The building you show us in this post is wonderful! Look forward to the next ones 😊

Thank you very much. Yes the neogothic style is fascinating. Full of beautiful details. I hope you improve the conservation policies in our countries, so that we continue to enjoy all these wonderful works. I am very glad you liked my post.

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An iconic building of religious importance like the San Miguel del Llano Church is a remarkable monument worth preserving for many generations to come. With your engineering background, you have certainly found the field useful not only in appreciating architectural marvels but also in noticing critical signs of wear and tear in such structures. Your professional advice on preventive maintenance is a practical way of prolonging the lifespan of historic edifices like these. Impressive feature @doriangel. Cheers! 😊

Thank you very much @storiesoferne . Sorry it took me so long to respond. You are absolutely right, appreciating architectural works also allows me to learn a lot more about engineering and I really enjoy it. Maintenance is really important in any building, especially heritage buildings like this one, which deserve to be preserved, which have history and are part of the region. Thank you very much for reading my post, I'm glad to know you liked it. I try to do my best. Blessings for your life.😊

Congratulations @doriangel! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it BRONZE MARK in Architecture Brew #73. More power!


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What a pleasant surprise. Thank you very much for appreciating my publication and the structures of my country.

The pleasure is ours, dear @doriangel! 😀 This is a gorgeous architectural piece, presented in a very nice way!