Once again, I am writing for EcoTrain this week, and it seems like the perfect question for the perfect time. The reason why I love the topic this week- is that it puts the focus in the right place: on the INSIDE.
We live in a very visually-stimulated, appearance-fixated society that focuses on the outside. Imagine the ludicrous notion of walking into a picture perfect mansion, only to find tattered curtains, stained rugs, broken furniture and ancient appliances. Homeowners spending all their money on the shell of the home, while letting the insides rot is an obvious travesty. Yet, how many of us are doing the exact same thing with our physical "shells".
Though the topic of @ecotrain's QOTW 10.6 is focused on the healthy things we should be eating, I'm going to start there, and then extend this to all the senses!
I remember this book that came out about how the wealthy people in this world get thin and stay thin. I thought for sure it was going to be some latest fad, or some diet trick, or possibly even that they had the money to do cosmetic surgeries or personal trainers and gyms! Do you know what the magical answer was? They only ever ate the best food!
The bottom line is - cheap food is poison. It is laden with chemicals, toxins, excess sugar, the effects of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetic modification and their unknown future effect... etc. Cheap food is cheap simply because it is made with the least expensive ingredients, process, and can last longer on shelves (aka laden with presevatives). It is made to temporarily delight you with harmful sugars, salts and fats - in high concentrations to light up the pleasure centers in your brain to come back for more. You end up feeling a short-term high, followed by a sinking low that only drives you back for more of the "fix". In short, you are being addicted to poison.
Wealthy people eat the highest quality foods that ultimately allow their bodies to be more efficient, run cleaner, and have fewer, damaging side effects. It's very easy to take a look at a brand new luxury car and see how long it lasts filling it with the lowest quality fuels, filters and fluids. The one that has regular maintenance and premium care will most likely have that engine purring like a kitten for years to come.
Fresh air. Cool and crisp, filled with ozone, free of pollution, and delicious to inhale - there is nothing quite like inhaling deep lung-fulls of precious oxygen. Obviously, just like food - the purer, the better. They say that breathing in air that is by a moving, fresh water source is exhilarating and powerful! Haven't you ever felt renewed and recharged when going to a crisp river, or near the ocean's waves? There is something about the energy around water that soothes the spirit and awakens the soul!
On the opposite side of the scent spectrum - be careful with what is touted as calming, but is actually just MORE toxins dressed up as benefits. Many of the home air sprays, candles, fresheners and perfumes have been shown to have irritants that can damage your body. For me, I try to by natural perfumes and organic candles that add lovely scents to your home - without the harmful effects. Essential oils are also wonderful options - and if you don't have access to them - crushing the leaves of an actual aromatic plant can also be a nice alternative!
Either way, breathe deeply! Next time you feel stress coming on, watch how magical it is when you take 5 slow deep breaths! You won't believe how easy it is to calm those nerves with gulps of free, clean air!
I think it's probably obvious some of the things that I might say here - so let me take the opposite approach and tell you what you should NOT feed your eyes!
Though we are all very much addicted to our devices, I'll encourage you to set some limits on your screen time - and that means ALL screens. Go out and enjoy nature! Turn off the phone, computer, game consoles, and tvs! When you sleep, turn off all lights and simply enjoy the darkness! Give those beautiful eyes a REST, and let them rebalance!
Not only that, but when you've turned the devices back on - be careful what you feed your mind, through your eyes! We have become desensitized to a lot of things that are pumped into our minds through the media. Take back control, and choose the beautiful things to set your mind. Look for content that showcases love, joy and peace - and be amazed at how your heart becomes fine-tuned to recognize these traits and be attracted to find more!
Giggles, harmony, rivers, birds, windchimes, instruments, whispers, thunderstorms - those are just a few of my favorites and I'm sure you can think of many more. Our ears are specialized tools that take the magic of sound waves and translate them into a variety of sounds. Have you ever thought about that? That our bodies take invisible waves and convert them into something we can recognize and discern from millions of other sounds! Amazing!!!
Feed your ears well. Find a variety of symphonies that bring waves of pleasure, and marinate your mind with them! Saturate your surroundings with soft sounds that soothe!
As you have read, I focused on all of the senses and how they can be used to bring health and healing to your body. Remember that taking care of the inside is what transforms the outside. Also, never forget that it's not just food that brings nourishment to these shells - but all of the senses have a purpose in keeping everything in the proper alignment. Take good care to take good care!I hope this post brings you a new appreciation for the miracle of our bodies, and that you are cautious to not take these gifts for granted. Remind yourself daily to use these blessings to honor the temple that you've been graced to inhabit!
❤️Lots of love❤️
Images Used from Canva Pro:
Image 1 by Elena Photo
Image 2 by Lolostock
Image 3 by jpgfactory
Image 4 by Stocksnap of Pixabay
Image 5 by Dream Artist
Image 6 by Urupong