Sublime Surprise Celebration time!!! I'm EXCITED!!!!

in #hive-1528892 years ago

Do you know what this week is?

If you were here last year at this time.... you do! It is the anniversary of DreemPort! I cannot believe that it has been a YEAR! How did the time fly that fast? I have no idea, but when I think back to our beginning, I just smile. no... I BEAM.

Untitled (600 × 429 px).gif

I love that this project has been slowly, steadily growing with love, dedication, joy, community, and passion. I love that our token has actually helped people with life - and hasn't been abused by pump/dump schemes, or allowed to be manipulated. I love that the ONLY thing we reward is commitment to quality, engagement, and honesty.

❤️most of all, I love that dreeming is becoming contagious.❤️ hehehe


To celebrate this week with all of you, I wanted to have a fun little extravaganza! hehehe

When we party - we have to INVITE FRIENDS,
there has to be DANCING!!!
and we MUST have GREAT FOOD! hehehe

and what's a party without prizes? so yep. gotta be prizes hehee

I'm going to mint 5000 Dreem tokens for this party - BUT, as you know, I really try to protect the token and not just mint willy-nilly! But I also wanted to kinda make this MORE fun. So, I'm going to give away 10,000 of my own Dreem tokens from my wallet🤑. (that I earned by using the platform - or bought with my own money! so we have fun... responsibly! LOL)

And maybe a few more surprises too. But - surprises are surprises. so... gotta wait to see them hehehehe

15,000 tokens will be showered upon dreemers in the following ways!

  1. For Tuesday, we INVITE FRIENDS.
    That means - for the first time ever, YOU will be allowed to submit a FRIEND'S post to DreemPort. Just show up on Tuesday for your normal curation, and then drop in a FRIEND'S post TO DREEMPORT!
  • 2500 Dreem tokens is up for grabs here - whoever joins in - splits this pot!

  1. For Wednesday, we DANCE! hahahaha
    Now, you can chicken out if you want! LOL And you can just TELL us your favorite story about a time that you danced (of course - please make it entertaining) OR OR OR... You can upload a video of yourself DANCING for 30 seconds! LOL Have fun! Be silly! Spready joy! (AND DON'T FORGET TO ACTUALLY TELL US ABOUT YOUR DANCE MOVES. You know DreemPort is all about the written content FIRST. So if you post a video - be sure to EXPLAIN what we're seeing! LOL (you know that you inspired this right @zyzymena ? hahaha and another idea for later too LOL)
  • 2500 Dreem tokens is up for grabs for the WRITTEN story - whoever submits - splits the pot!
  • 5000 Dreem tokens is up for grabs for the DANCING video - whoever submits - splits THAT pot! (yep, if only one person does it - they get the whole kit and caboodle hehehe)

  1. For FRIDAY, it's #MarketFriday with @dswigle! And your special mission on this day, is to write up a menu for our party! Show us what you would be buying at the store - and tell us why these are your favorite party foods! Appetizer, Main Course, and Cake would be AWESOME! hehehe
  • 5000 Dreem tokens up for grabs here! Whoever submits - splits!

ALL must be submitted by 5pm PST on each day to DreemPort- in order to meet the deadline and split the pot!

Thank you, dreemers - for making this first year so awesome!

I've been so blessed, and I am hopeful that the best is yet to come! hehehe love you all!!!

Happy Birthday DreemPort!!!

What do you think? Sound easy enough?

Hope to help you connect with MORE readers through DreemPort!

All DreemPort images property of DreemPort and designed by the amazing @jimramones. Please do not use without permission from DreemPort.

1 year birthday image
excited hamster image
friends image
dance gifs by Canva Pro stickers (no link available)
feast image



Yess, does it mean I came before Dreemport? I celebrated in March and it's June here. Hehehe! I am older than @dreemport 😅😅😅😅

The tasks sounds easy but I can't dance 🙄🙄 I don't even know the steps if I should dance 😂😂😂

Happy birthday to #Dreemport. Cheers to more years on the Blockchain.

hahahah we talked about this in the teem meeting today!!! LOL

I think YES you were one of the first people to jump onto the very idea of what would become DreemPort - and you were ready to support! hehehe

so even though it became OFFICIAL in June - hehehe you were here in heart LONG before all that. even back to UU! hehehehe

so celebrate with us for ALL that you've supported! hahahahaha

and as far as dancing - hehehe you do whatever you like! you can even just write a post about your favorite time dancing - its just that anyone who is brave enough to actually dance - will be splitting the 5000 tokens - instead of the 2500 for the dance part hahahahahahahaha

either way - HAVE FUN! HAHAHA
that's what its all about - spreading joy! :)

Don't worry. I was thinking of dancing though but I remembered I made some dancing steps on Snapchat some times ago and that is my saving grace 😂😂😂

In fact I would be uploading two videos in one. Both are thirty seconds each and that makes it a minute 😎😎
I hope they won't laugh at me because I can't dance 🤣🤣🤣🤣


another person is IN for the dancing!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Don't forget to write about the dancing too - you know DreemPort is all about the written content first! so tell us what's happening - where you were.... all that! get us reading and giggling and PREPARED for what we would see in the video! hahahahaha i'm so excited!!!

see @ayesha-malik you have another person that is coming to split those 5000 tokens with you hahahahahahahaha

Haha, I am not going to dance in the video Nah 🤣 it would be hilarious. So I would love to go for writing.

🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳 No problem. Expect my video soon 😁😁😁
So, we are just two for now? 😯😯💃💃💃💃😂

Hehe Sorry princes I couldn't accompany you 😁 you would be alone to win it hehe. It's hard for me to dance 😒🤫🙂

Hahahaha 😂😂😂

Happy Birthday @dreemport 🎉🎂🎁
So many fun things to do for everyone this week😁

Thank you Thank you!!! yes - you know we had to make it fun for everyone! hehehehe

I wonder how many people will actually try dancing! LOLOL

Oh heck I bet loads of them will dance 🤣🤣🤣

hehehe i hope so!!! LOL

Happy Birthday to you and your wonderful project!

Thank you so much @melinda010100 !!!! I can hardly believe it's been one year already!!!

Cannot wait for this next year to unfold before us! hehehehe

How wonderful that this fabulous project has reached a milestone!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dreemport! Whoo hooo!


Thank you Miss Kitty!!!! So appreciate your loving support always!!!!

Hey, Dreemie!!!
Happy Birthday to Dreemport!🥳🎁 And congratulations to you and all the team!🤩
I've been busy the last few days, but I'll do my best to join in the fun this week!😄
Cheers to Dreemport and many more years to come! 🥂

It always makes me happy to see you around @coquicoin !!!!! hehehe you just come when you can! and thank you for celebrating with us!!! you are a HUGE part of the success this year! Every single dreemer is!!!

thank you!

Of course, I'll do my best to celebrate with you ♡♡
I'm a proud dreemer even if I can't be at Dreemport all the time, xoxo!

hehehe i know this through and through!!!

Oh wow! I love one year olds! They are so squishy and delightful!


hahahahahaha thank you for the celebrations! I'm so glad that you joined just in time for the partyyyyyyyyyyyyy - so glad you're home Miss Julia!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that baby is going to be pooping blue for days! LOL

Happy birthday @dreemport untitled.gif

thank you for celebrating with us @ykdesign !!!! hehehe I so appreciate your support!!!

@dreemport Happy 1st Anniversary.
will definitely show some crazy moves with dancing video 😂😂😂😂

hahahahaha just be sure to follow all the instructions! hehehe

make sure when you submit a video to the site ( DreemPort ) that you write enough written content to be evaluated too! hehehe not just the video - but tell us all about your dancing and how much fun you're having! hehe looking forward to it!!! :)

@dreemport following the instructions and sharing details as content is no problem at all.
But the main thing is time which I am unable to spend here at the moment due to tight schedule/daily routine.
Hopefully, day by day will get better speed and explore more........

I think these challenges are harder for me this time.. First I can't dance 🤣.. For Monday, I missed it..
About cooking.. I seldom cook here 🤣..
I'll just gonna read the entries and support them..

Happy Anniversary Dreemport!! Im happy to be part of this growing family 😁

Some of my friends from readcash are already using Dreemport 😁 not sure though if they are curating every day 🤣 just like me, busy sometimes.. Do pardon me for being not being active sometimes 🥺

Happy birthday dreemport!!!! sorry kinda late but still will try to participate! have an enjoyable week dreemers!!!

📣 HAPPY 1️⃣st BIRTHDAY!!!📣
🎉 🌬🎂♥️🥁🎵🥂

If there's an award for most birthday gifs in a comment section you're a shoe in.

hehehehe hi you!

thanks for coming to celebrate with us! :) hope you're doing fine and shine! hehehe

Congrats on the Anniversary, @dreemsteem!!

You've grown into a vibrant community. I'm lucky to be in part of such an lot!
Enjoy your success!!


[Image via GIF Keyboard.]

thank you so much!!! It really is so exciting and I can't believe a year has gone by! hehehe and it's so awesome to have you as part of this too!!! you just keep showing up for PYPT and hypnotizing us with your voice please. LOLOLOL

thank you for the love! hehehehe

Yay Happy birthday, @dreemport Let's dance the hokey pokey!!!!

and turn ourselves around?

that's what its all about! hahaha

I am singing right now!!!
Xoxoxoxo haha

Happy Hive Anniversary @dreemport !

heheh thank you so much!!! It's a great week for us!!!

I can't beleive it!!!

Rememebr waaaaaayyyy back?
Who knew from such humble beginnings, that this project would grow into this amazing Connection? I am SO PROUD of all your hard work, and amazing ideas, miss.
HAPPIEST of Happy Birthday's, DreemPort!

its OUR hard work and OUR project!!!!

happy birthday to our teem! hehehehehe love you!!

Though I'm late for the party (imagine that!)
I fully support the awesome contests
and will celebrate with anyone
enjoying the lingering birthday party vibes!

💯 🎉 1️⃣🎂1️⃣ 🎊 💯

Woot! Woot!! Woot!! It's one year already. One year of hardwork, persistency and dreeming. Congratulations @dreemport, it started as a dreem and as a dreem, we've spent 365 days without breaking apart. Cheers to many more years.

This is gonna be a very busy week. The dancing😜😜 I look silly when I dance. 😃😃 I'm never doing a video but I can write about my dancing, at least that much I can do. I'd love to see some great moves too by some individuals. This is gonna be so much fun.

hehehehehe gahhhhhhhhhh really?!?!?! you dont' look silly when you dance! i'm sure you look amazing! hahahahaha

but whatever you like Miss Z! hehehe your posts about writing are JUST as entertaining (i'm thinking about the one post with you dancing at that wedding from that other platform... that post had me dying laughing! LOL)

this IS gonna be so much fun! hehehe i can't wait to see all the posts this week to celebrate!

I don't know what to say anymore😃😃 well let's see what Wednesday has in store for us.

you should totally surprise me and dance 😆

Happy Birthday 🥳 birthday 🎂


Birthday Card made using ItSoStylish’s Coloring Card Maker



we are EXTRA serious about the dancing!

if only one person shows up to dance - then they split that 5000 Dreem tokens with themselves hahahahahahaha

who will be brave enough?? LOLOL


Yeah 💃💃💃, happy anniversary to our favorite dreemport, it's really funny and surprising how time flies but I'm so glad I'm part of this beautiful growth.

And damn!!! These are amazing ways to celebrate dreemport's anniversary, it's perfect to me. I do hope to do my best to make this party to be an epic one.

hehehe it will be so super fun! I'm about to post my video for the dance day! hahahahaha

i hope you laugh a lot!!! LOLOLOL

Wow, that's awesome, I will make sure to watch it and I'm sure I will laugh, hehe 😁.

How the year went 🥺 it was a very emotional journey 🥺 I couldn't control my tears to slip from my eyes on this special day. My Dreemport you are having your first birthday 🥺 ( acting like a grandmother -anyone caught me 👵) !LOL

So there are only three steps prizes -surprises hehe I love this game. It involves everything, making new friends, reading out some content, and now party and dancing 😹 wow going to hide my heels as I want to dance like 'I am unstoppable '

Literally I couldn't realize that a year passed with Dreemport - the good things happen quickly and time flies too. Hehe everyday, every week, every month we had fun 🤭 I am ready to have more such years with Dreemport .

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS finally someone who is brave enough to dance?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAA


and yes - can you believe that a full year has passed? (more than that actually hehehe) I can't believe it! it really has gone by quickly

and dont' worry - i won't tell anyone that you are acting like a grandmother! hahahahahahahahahaha

love you Writer Ayesha!

I'd like to start a diet.
But I've got too much on my plate right now.

Credit: reddit
@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @ayesha-malik
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Happy Birthday, @dreemprot!! What a fabulous quest! I expect there will be something for everyone! I will be on the lookout for some amazing posts!

I cannot believe it has been a whole year! Look how far you have come! Flowers for your special day! Mwah!

clemats 2 3.jpg

Thank you Denise!!!! I'm so happy that it fell on our challenge with you too! hehehe When I saw that I immediately started thinking of what to do for our birthday week - and how perfect that everyone can find a birthday cake (or something for our feast! hehe) this Friday!!!

So happy! and thank you for the gorgeous flowers!!!!! how unique they are!!

They are clematis! You can grow them there! I am excited that it is on your birthday too! Lucky me! I can hardly wait to see the entries!

hehehe me too! LOL especially the dancing ones! hahahahaha

but I'm sure a lot of people will opt for the written post talking about dancing stories! hehehe

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!



When I think back to how we started, I'm amazed at how far we have come and it's due to your strength and diligence, Ms Dreem! You've got us all dreeming. I know we still have a long way to go but I'm excited to be on this train with you.

Ohhh, dancing video? Yea, I don't dance. I'm too shy 😛. Nice! Many Dreem tokens to be won. I'll start working on my entry.

I celebrate the Team behind Dreemport. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @dreemport! 💖

that's right - the DREEM TEEM is what makes this all happen!
DreemPort is a culmination of all the love and joy and passion of the collection of dreemers!

Thank you Kemmy. For joining in from the start - and never wavering.

I can think of the ones who came from the heartbreak of U*****, and had every reason to just throw in the towel.

But, they came with love and hope and anticipation. and we already have a year under our belts- a year with so many successes. and we already have a victory in my eyes.

so thank you! and happy birthday DreemPort! hehehe

WOOOTS! YAAAAY! It has been a wonderful journey right from the beginning. I remember how it all began. You were nervous at first but that didn’t stop you from forging ahead. Your faith in the project brought us here. I am happy to be part of the journey and wow! I wonder what next anniversary holds for us all.

Happy birthday to @dreemport ! Hehheh many more great achievements ahead.

hehehehe what do you mean i WAS nervous.

I still AM nervous everyday! LOLOLOL


but that fear and those nerves haven't stopped me yet. And that is what I thank God for! The ability to let our love for this push me forward :)

I am so happy you're here too Essie girl. I have loved having you in my life and on this teem and I also anticipate what next year holds for us! hehehe

would be so wonderful to see some of those dreems coming true - but.... i will be patient. i will continue to be patient and wait for those good things.

heheheh love you!!!