Greetings my dear readers, it is already a fact that next Monday October 3rd begins the new school year 2022-2023, my little son Juan Andrés will start his school stage in Nursery, at home we are very excited preparing everything to welcome him, this year we are particularly happy because the two children in the house will be in their respective school activities; although Juan Andrés is only 2 years 8 months old he is very excited to start classes, like his older brother, as he was crying daily when Mathhias went to school.
Desde hace un par de meses hemos venido explicándole a Juan que va ir a clases, es algo que le ha emocionado, la escuela donde estará estudiando es frente a mi casa y es un lugar que el ya conoce, ya que los sábados va a jugar con Mathhias y sus amigos; aunque no se si esto pueda ser un problema, porque debe ir a las aulas de clases y no a divertirse en el parque.
For a couple of months we have been explaining to Juan that he is going to go to classes, it is something that has excited him, the school where he will be studying is in front of my house and it is a place that he already knows, since on Saturdays he goes to play with Mathhias and his friends; although I do not know if this could be a problem, because he must go to the classrooms and not to have fun in the park.
Juan es un niño a quien le cuesta aceptar los cambios, tiene el carácter un poco fuerte y decide sobre la ropa, hay prendas que se niega a colocarse, es por ello que el día de hoy quisimos probarle los uniformes para que se vaya familiarizando, cuando los vio se sintió muy emocionado y acepto colocárselos inmediatamente, pero a los pocos segundos comenzó a llorar y pedía que le quitara eso, decía que el mono no le gustaba; le quite ese uniforme y me pidió que le colocara la franela de los niños que es el uniforme de educación física, esta no se la quiso quitar, le gusto mucho, espero esta semana poder ir convenciéndolo para que acepte su uniforme.
Juan is a child who finds it hard to accept changes, he has a strong character and decides about clothes, there are clothes that he refuses to wear, that is why today we wanted to try the uniforms on him so he could get familiar with them, when he saw them he was very excited and accepted to wear them immediately, but after a few seconds he started to cry and asked me to take them off, he said he didn't like the overalls; I took off that uniform and he asked me to put on the children's flannel which is the physical education uniform, he did not want to take it off, he liked it very much, I hope this week to be able to convince him to accept his uniform.
Aunque estoy emocionada, no les puedo negar que siento un poco de preocupación, porque no se como vaya a reaccionar en su primer día de clases, nunca lo hemos dejado con alguien a quien el no conoce o fuera de nuestra familia, diariamente mientras trabajamos esta en casa de mi papá con su tías o con su abuela materna; aunque tenemos una ventaja, este año cambiaron a su padrino y vecino a trabajar en el preescolar, pienso que al verlo se sentirá en confianza y mas cómodo, aunque el no estará directamente con el, estoy seguro que dará sus vueltas por el salón de clases, ya que desde que nació el a consentido mucho a Juan y el le tiene mucho cariño, cuando lo ve sale corriendo hasta donde esta.
Although I am excited, I can not deny that I feel a little worried, because I do not know how he will react on his first day of school, we have never left him with someone he does not know or outside our family, daily while we work he is at my dad's house with his aunts or with his maternal grandmother; although we have an advantage, this year they changed his godfather and neighbor to work in the preschool, I think that seeing him will make him feel more comfortable and confident, although he will not be directly with him, I am sure he will go around the classroom, since he has spoiled Juan a lot since he was born and he is very fond of him, when he sees him he runs to where he is.
Esta una de las etapas mas difíciles para los padres, el primer día de clases, siento que con Juan he estado mas preocupado, ya que por el factor pandemia estuvimos mucho tiempo unidos, pero es algo que todos debemos pasar y es mi deber como padre apoyar a mi hijo a vencer sus temores; por otra parte el día que fuimos a inscribir a Juan, conversamos un rato con sus maestras, nos mostraron la que será su nueva aula de clases, se ven muy amables y con mucha vocación, en esa oportunidad al principio Juan se mostró un poco tímido y no quería despegarse de mi, luego le llamó la atención varios juguetes que estaban en el aula e invitó a Matthias a que fueran a jugar, espero que al ver a todos los niños se familiarice rápidamente.
This is one of the most difficult stages for parents, the first day of school, I feel that with Juan I have been more worried, because of the pandemic factor we were together for a long time, but it is something that we all have to go through and it is my duty as a parent to support my son to overcome his fears; On the other hand the day we went to register Juan, we talked for a while with his teachers, they showed us what will be his new classroom, they look very friendly and with a lot of vocation, in that opportunity at first Juan was a little shy and did not want to take off from me, then he was attracted by several toys that were in the classroom and invited Matthias to go and play, I hope that seeing all the children he will become familiar quickly.
Por ahora me quedo con la expectativa y con la tarea de preparar a mi pequeño para el próximo lunes, espero este comienzo sea el mejor para el; deseándole el mejor de los éxitos en esta su nueva escuela, se despide su amigo el Drhueso.
For now I remain with the expectation and with the task of preparing my little one for next Monday, I hope this beginning will be the best for him; wishing him the best of success in his new school, his friend Drhueso bids him farewell.
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
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