Greetings my dear readers, there is a saying that goes "No one knows better the leaks in your house, but the one who plugs them", although it is used to refer to the fact that no one knows better the problems, than the people who have them; today I literally put into practice this saying since I had to make some small repairs on the roof of my house. In Venezuela in these last two weeks rain is falling almost daily, my city is not the exception, although it rains little in Carora, when it rains it is serious, they are very strong, which has caused a series of leaks in the roof of the room of my son Matthias Andres, The heaviest rain was on Sunday night and we had to improvise so that my son's bed would not get wet, I placed some water bottles on the floor and some pots hung on the ceiling to control the leaks, something that did not work because they filled up very fast.
En el año 2014 fue construida mi casa, el techo es de algo que acá llaman tela de uña, el cual se impermeabiliza con manto de asfalto y por ultimo pintura de aluminio, y debe hacerse mantenimiento anualmente, algo que estuvimos cumpliendo a cabalidad por algunos años; hasta que en Venezuela se dieron altos índices de inflación y aunado a esto llegó la pandemia, donde los materiales de construcción tienen precios muy elevados y se ha dificultado un poco su adquisición, teniendo aproximadamente 3 años sin hacer el respectivo mantenimiento, razón por la cual el cuarto de mi hijo a sido afectado por las goteras.
In the year 2014 my house was built, the roof is made of something that here they call nail cloth, which is waterproofed with asphalt mantle and finally aluminum paint, and must be maintained annually, something that we were fulfilling fully for some years; Until in Venezuela there were high inflation rates and coupled with this came the pandemic, where building materials have very high prices and has been a little difficult to acquire, having about 3 years without doing the respective maintenance, which is why my son's room has been affected by leaks.
El día lunes (ayer) salí a recorrer las ferreterías para comprar un impermeabilizante para el techo, algo que sea efectivo y de fácil aplicación, me habían recomendado una cinta pero al ir a comprarla en varios negocios me dijeron que no era muy buena, me ofrecieron un producto especial para tapar grietas y goteras, el costo de ¼ de galón era de 10$ y sin pensarlo lo compre, cuando llegue a la casa en horas del medio día comenzó a caer la lluvia y nos toco estar al pendiente de las cosas nuevamente, habían tobos por toda una línea del cuarto.
On Monday (yesterday) I went out to visit the hardware stores to buy a waterproofing for the roof, something that is effective and easy to apply, they had recommended me a tape but when I went to buy it in several stores they told me that it was not very good, they offered me a special product to cover cracks and leaks, the cost of ¼ gallon was $10 and without thinking I bought it, when I got home at noon the rain began to fall and we had to be aware of things again, there were slugs along a whole line of the room.
El día de hoy luego de llegar del trabajo el cielo se veía despejado y con mucho sol, así que decidí subir al techo y aplicar el producto, leí las indicaciones y decía que se debe aplicar con una espátula en el área limpia y seca, así que la barrí bien y tome la espátula y comencé a aplicar sobre la zona afectada, sin embargo, 30 minutos después de terminar, se ocultó el sol y dos horas mas tarde comenzó a caer la lluvia, cosa que me preocupa porque no creo que se haya secado al 100%, aunque ya las goteras no caen, debo esperar hasta mañana para ver como quedo el trabajo.
Today after coming home from work the sky looked clear and sunny, so I decided to go up to the roof and apply the product, I read the directions and it said that it should be applied with a spatula on the clean and dry area, so I swept it well and took the spatula and began to apply it on the affected area, however, 30 minutes after finishing, the sun went down and two hours later the rain began to fall, which worries me because I do not think it has dried 100%, although the leaks are not falling, I have to wait until tomorrow to see how the work is.
Matthias Andrés apenas comenzó la lluvia, muy preocupado se fue corriendo a su cuarto a vigilar las goteras, después de estar por aproximadamente 10 minutos, salió muy contento del cuarto diciendo “adiós goteras, las vencimos” jajaja, me siento muy contento de poder ayudar a mi familia, especialmente a mi hijo a tener tranquilidad en su espacio, porque estos últimos 2 días mi pequeño había estado muy angustiado ya que sus juguetes se podían mojar y dañar.
Matthias Andres as soon as the rain started, very worried he went running to his room to watch the leaks, after being there for about 10 minutes, he left the room very happy saying "bye bye leaks, we beat them" hahaha, I feel very happy to help my family, especially my son to have peace in his space, because these last 2 days my little boy had been very anxious because his toys could get wet and damaged.
Ya mi esposa y yo estamos ahorrando para la compra de la pintura de aluminio y así poder realizar el respectivo mantenimiento a nuestro techo; debemos dar gracias a Dios por el techo que nos acobija y debemos de cuidar de el, por ahora se despide su amigo el Drhueso hasta una nueva oportunidad.
My wife and I are already saving for the purchase of aluminum paint so we can perform the respective maintenance to our roof; we must thank God for the roof that shelters us and we must take care of it, for now your friend Drhueso says goodbye until a new opportunity.
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)